This is just to say you guys are awsome. i have only just registered but i have been dipping in and out of the forum to get the codes for my box. I was not able to make a comment on how much i appreciate the contributions you guys make passing on the codes. Thanks a lot. This is just in case anyone just finding out their box is not working if they were away. the codes for N** dublin are 00-29-c5--32-fa-51-a6-50
Thanks for that lots of good people here. You only gave out one set of codes, (less the last two numbers), these are readily available on the main page. Full Codes Below in case some one happens upon this. Nthell dublin code 00 = 29 c5 32 fa 51 a6 50 02 01 = 19 cb 80 ae 18 aa 08 41
ooppsss.....sorry about that...i was rushing out and the other two code numbers were on the next line.