I make halo 2 videos using a capture card.The i edit them using windows movie maker.I made a video that was 10 minutes long but the size of it is 116 mg.So i can post the video on the web cuz its to big.So what do i do to make it smaller. PLZ Help
ok i did that but when i put my mouse over the new file it still says 116 mg im a doing something wrong?
ok tell me what to do step by step and on the 'split to volume bytes' has a drop down list. do i choose one of those or do i just put in 15.
Just put in the custom number "1,500,000" because it asks to put in bytes. good luck, and i will be here if you still need help.
No. It's creating several files as "one" rar archive. The first one will look for the others in order to recreate the initial file. All the rar files you create by compressing a large file into separate chunks, will need to be there.
huh i still dont understand what i need to do with all the files it creates. Can u plz explain what i do with all the files that it created.
[bold]HOW TO CREATE A MULTI-VOLUME RAR FILES[/bold] [bold]By BlinkN[/bold] I hope this guide will give you a better understanding on some things you need to know about creating multi-volume RAR files with some explanation. With this guide I will be achieving a video file that is on my computer as an example. Before we begin you will need the following program listed below. Program Needed: WinRAR (http://www.rarlab.com/) [bold]Note: Trial based program[/bold] 1. This is the directory where I have my video file stored. I'm going to double click the video folder and open it up. 2. Now that I have the video folder opened up, you will see the video I'm going to be achieving. The video is 125 MB (131,489,792 bytes is the size windows is reporting). 3. Next thing I do is right click the file and bring up the context menu. I Highlighted WinRAR and clicked add to archive. 4. The archive name and parameters window appeared in front me. In the archive name section, I see the name of the file I will be archiving. You can leave it the way it is (by doing this, you will produce the RAR files in the default folder) or If you want to make things a little organized and easier to find the output files, I will be making another folder to output the files. Click browse. 5. You should see another window open up named find archive. I want to make another folder to store the files. I will then right click within the window and bring up the context menu. I highlighted the word new then click folder. I will be naming the folder output. 6. When the folder has been created and named; I double click it and open it up. When I'm done opening the folder, I clicked open. 7. This will bring me back to the archive name and parameters window. Before we begin doing the good stuff, make sure the archive format is set to RAR. Next, go to compression method and make sure you set it to [bold]normal[/bold] (use that). If you really want to change the compression method to something else other then normal, you can do so by clicking the drop box and chose the the following methods...store, fastest, fast, normal, good and best. Using “store” compression method will not reduce the size of the output file(s) (keeps it to it's original size and compress' the quickest) and “best” compression will highly compress the output file(s) (reduces the output file(s) size by 15 percent or more but will take much longer to compress). Anything in between that, fastest, fast, normal and good, will reduce the size of the file(s) to a certain extent and compress at a certain time. The time it takes to compress file(s), will vary from computer to computer depending how fast your computer is. 8. Now this is where multi-volume archive comes in. Where it says split to volumes, bytes; you can enter the amount each archive (where WinRAR will break down the one video file I'm outputting) down to multiply RAR files (more then one RAR files), as opposed to where WinZip compress' and outputs one single output file. DVDBack23 suggested using 15 MB to split your archive, which a good point to start at. However he gave you the value 1,500,000 bytes to enter in the split to archive, bytes, which is not right because he told you to split the files at 1.5 MB instead of 15 MB. That's a big difference because that will output more RAR files. To fix that, add one more zero in the number. Should look like this instead. [bold]15,000,000 bytes[/bold] (use that SniperGod). Don't get mad at me DVDBack23, not trying to be a smart ass or anything. We all make mistakes buddy. But since I used the value 1,500,000 bytes during the time I took the screen shots by accident, I will stick with that because I don't feel like going back and redoing them. Click OK when you're done. 9. A new window will pop up looking like this. This is now compressing my video file. Takes a little time. So be patient when you're doing your own video. 10. Now I go to the output folder where I outputted all the RAR files to as you can see in the screen shot below. In case you didn't noticed, you will see every RAR files containing an additional portion that was added by WinRAR, part001, part002, part003, etc. followed by the extension RAR. That is normal. I now have 76 RAR files broken down to 1.5 MB each except for the_scene_xvid_episode_18.part076.rar, which is 488 KB because it reached it's end point of the video and will always be smaller in the last portion of the RAR file. Note: If I didn't enter any value in the split to volumes, bytes, I would only have one RAR file at 107 MB. That could be a pain in the butt for someone who's on dial-up. Breaking it down would mean a person can get the RAR files one by one at 1.5 MB each and get the rest later on. That is it for creating RAR Files, onwards to testing. TESTING THE FILE 1. To test the file to make sure it worked, I go to the first part (the_scene_xvid_episode_18.part001.rar) by right clicking, WinRAR, extract here. 2. This brought up the extraction window. I Let it go through. 3. Once that's done, you will see the the video file I archived back to it's original form. Test the file and see if it worked. If all went well, you're now ready to upload your files to whatever host(s) you're using. Note: When uploading files to host(s), make sure you include every RAR files that were produced by WinRAR. If you miss one part or more, the people that are trying to obtain the RAR files won't be able to complete the extraction process of the video you put up because it's missing the chuck(s) that were split in order to complete the final product. I hope this explains about certain things. This guide took a great length of time to write and I hope others find this useful. My name is BlinkN and I'm a WindowsXP user. Go figure! LOL! Bye for now.
No problem buddy, not mad, more than happy to pass a question along to someone more well informed Snipergod, screenshots should be clear, and remember to use "15,000,000" bytes
Reading through what I wrote there, I know for sure I will have to go back fix some of the things I wrote at a later time. But for now, I'll stick with what I got. If anyone else spots any error(s) in this, let me know and I will try my best to fix it up. I know I won't be writing any big documents for awhile. That was fun to do.
THX THX THX a bunch this helped a lot.Ok i did what u said and it compressed it intu 9 parts.ok now if say i want to put my video up on google, how do i do that.Or on a website or something.
Give me a few moments. I'll find some free sites you can host it on. But be warn, most of them will have ads or other crap to them. But free is free.
http://rapidshare.de/ http://www.rapidupload.com/ http://www.yousendit.com/ http://www.megaupload.com/ http://www.bigupload.com/ http://www.dropsend.com/ [bold]Please read there policy on what you can or can't do with there service. Some restrictions my apply with each services. In other words, there maybe be a catch to them. So choose wisely and read carefully. As far as Google video goes, that's an entirely different thing. Wouldn't work for what you're doing plus I have no idea how there service works. Someone else might be able fill you in on that.[/bold]
And don't forget to upload all 9 parts of the RAR files to the service you're going to be using. And share the links once you get them up if you feel like it. Enjoy.