So I just bought and succesfully formatted a new internal Hard-drive, everything was working fine, I logged into windows for the frist time on it, I even checked out My Computer, then I shut it down to take a nap, when I woke up and tried to start it up, the power buttom didn't seem to work, so I decided to flick off the power supply, and flick it on, it powered up for a few seconds, then powered down, the only way it would fully power up is if I held down the pwoer button on the front, but my monitor wont turn on, and my optical mouse wont light up, but the key board turns on, please some one help!
new update well... I got impatient, so I was looking around the site for the maker or the mobo chip, and they said if it wouldn't power up like that, take out the mobo battery, so I did, and now nothing works, it doesn't even power up...