Call me sensitive but I burned two dvds so far with new my a-06. First time I wasn't around. This time I am, it smells like something is burning. All my temp. gauges are within limits. The only thing I am doing differently at the moment is writing a dvd. Any thoughts on this? Does burning truly cause emissions?
Only if you put the coasters on the fire......LOL.......or in a spliff eh Herbs...LOL Probably just down to the newness of the drive... Wouldn't worry about it.....did they both work?
Baabaa, Actually they are both fine. Thanks for asking. I just built the computer to be a video platform and get worry that I didn't cross all the T's and dot the "i"s. I burned a number of cds with it but never any dvds. Neighbor probably just started sniffin paint when I started burning (thin walls). Thanks, Oopsla
LMAO........ Give him some VICKS, then bang on the wall just to let him know before hand that you are gonna do some burning.......LOL Good luck, have a good one....
Burning does create emmision. You are generating Ozone. Most people can`t smell it, but some people are sensitive (its perfectly safe, no worries). DO you have a lazer printer? IF that is the same smell after printing a book as you get burning, Then you are really sensitive. One of my ex-girl friends could smell ozone on me after fixing lazer printers. You also get that smell from turning on a Circular Dichrosim instrument, but I not going to explain that here.