I swear, Microsoft is foolin with our computers....

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by DJchemist, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. DJchemist

    DJchemist Regular member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I don't know WHATTT is going on with my Windoes or what. Either way, its pissing me off, HARDCORE.

    B4 i baught my laptop, i was running an older system.. only about 600 mhz, with just under a Gig of RAM. yeah things ate up the CPU, etc.. but... it was alright... only reasong i switched was because of some of the music making software needed much more CPU

    so for x-mas, my rents baught me a used Dell Latitude C-610.
    (for those who don't know, its a laptop)i got all the needed update drives n such.. no big deal.

    this machine has only 256 mb of ram, but when i first got it...ran fine?

    but in the past.. 2 months or so.. this thing has been acting SLOWER then my 600 mhz machine !! and this one is 1.0 ghz !

    somthing isn;t adding up..at all
    randomly.. one of the svchost files will run at 98% CPU, and take up almomst 100 k of memory. not right..and it does it lotz maybe... 12-15 times a day.

    i've used multiple scaning programs for spyware/adware, and i have nortans antivirus 2007 installed..no virus' on a weekly scan. not once have i picked up a virus either.

    Im running Genuine Windoes XP Home on my laptop, and i had .."not so genuine" windows XP Pro on the 600 mhz one.

    things still are just not adding up...will adding more mem fix my problem? cuz.. its not the memory that seems to be depleating..its the CPU...why why why WHYYYY are all these critical windows system files eating up 1000 mhz of cpu?? its just not right..i never had this problem EVER witht he old system.

    is it like... a newer update from windows...that is liek degrading system performance so people go buy vista lol..like comon..this is so bugging me.

    like even simple tasks such as..opening a folder..or right clicking on the desk top..i got MADD lag..

    any help would direly be helpful...cuz im about ready to throw this damn thing at my wall and pour a bucket of water on it...

    cheers people. i can also give u much more info if needed to help solve this.
  2. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I didn't bother to read your entire post, because I think that I got your problem reading half of it.

    Try these solutions:
    1. Run a 'Disk Defragmenter'. Use the one windows provides, or use a third party one (I recommend the latter)
    2. Install an AntiVirus, Firewall and AntiSpyware Program. All three are equally important. After the installation, update all of them, and use each of them to scan your entire computer. It might take some time, but it's worth it.
    3. Go to 'Start' -> 'Run, and type 'msconfig.exe' (without quotes). Go the 'Startup' tab on the top. Take a good look at all the programs that are listed there. They start up automatically when you boot up your computer, hence use memory (in your case, memory is critical). Disable the ones that you don't need, even those that you don't use often. (don't disable the programs that you installed in Step 1!)

    If you have any questions, just ask.

    EDIT: Just noticed that you have installed Norton Antivirus 2007! Get rid of it!! On 256 MB Ram (that too, with windows XP), you're making a really big and unnecessary compromise by keeping Norton installed! Try an AV program that comsumes lesser resources (I have heard that AVG is good, and free too. The link for v7.5 would be : http://free.grisoft.com/doc/5390/lng/us/tpl/v5#avg-anti-virus-free )
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  3. DJchemist

    DJchemist Regular member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    err...i cant say im super powerful in the field of computers...but ive done all those things.. run msconfig.. blah blah... startup..i moniter all that on a daily basis.. nothing different.theres onyl like 7 or 8 items in there. and i don;t have any of them loaded anyways ...

    but what i really wanna get at...is..
    is my small amount of memory causing my CPU lag...i just can't seem to make the connection.
    the fact that my scvhost file runs at such a high high cpu level..makes me wonder.

    im skeptical on running AVG.. few people i know use it..not to fond of it...but..if it will help..i shall give it a try.

    im gonna go out and buy a 512 stick of ram for this thing..and see if that helps.

    really a big thanks for the tips tho mate !

    Cheers !

    EDIT - Minor brain farts..stupid words i used.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Dude, DUMP NORTON.
    Believe it or not, that WILL be a big relief for the system, as Norton just loves to eat up CPU cycles and RAM with all it's useless cr@p.
    AVG is a good Antivirus, so is Avast, so pick one of those, both are free.
    Also, install spybot S&D and Ccleaner, run them both, and clean out that system.
    And last but not least, remove any other anti virus/anti spyware programs you have, they'll do you little to no good.
  6. DJchemist

    DJchemist Regular member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    yeah nortons gone.. and WOW what a bloody difference. AVG seems to do it

    no virus' no spyware (havn't had any anyays) i run checks daily with Spybot S&D for.. years now..so no worries on that one,

    things seem to be better...but im still gonna need a new laptop soon..this one is just to old, but deff thanks for the help guys.

    i was asking a guy at my local comp store.. says the 512 mb sticks donn;t work with the latitude C-610? it only reads 133 SD-RAM 256 or lower...what a bummer.

    a well like i said..thanks all !

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