I just got a ipod video. i added a a few gigs of MP4s straight from my HDD (i didnt add them to itunes first) They play fine and everything, but i cant get them off! In other words, i cant get itunes to show what videos are on the ipod. How am i supposed to delete thesse videos? when i hit the "movies" tab all that shows up is a page asking if i want to synch.
I can help you, follow these directions carefully: 1) Sell your ipod. If you manage to do this proceed to #3, if not, proceed to #2. 2) Throw away your ipod. 3) Buy a zune. If you manage to do this proceed to #5, if not, proceed to #4. 4) Buy an alternative creative or any other good mp3 player. 5) Delete iTunes 6) Install windows media player 11. 7) look in afterdawns guide section
Try opening it from My Computer, the same way you do your hard drive or dvd drive, maybe you can see the files that way. How did you load them w/out using iTunes, you'll probably need to take them off the same way.
just get the latest version of itunes hook up your ipod, and then when itunes brings it up, go to the ipod page (click on your ipod icon on the lefT) and then hit restore. it should remove all files on your ipod and then u can start again by adding the mp4's through itunes. ipods aren't as bad as what the guy above said, altho converting videos that aren't already mp4's (like your family videos lol) can be a pain in the ass. ive had no luck so far even after reading the guides here extensively, but im sure that extends to any mobile mp4 player
i figured it out. itunes would only show the videos if i created a smart playlist for videos only. i think thats really weird, but whatever. thanks guys