I just tried updating my dashboard and ended up losing it. Now it will only load factory games in the dvd drive but if I let it go to dashboard I get error 13 and no dashboard. Is there any way to fix this??
again this is why I prefer to work with modchips, easier for newbies to modding to handle. it softmodded or modchipped?
Sounds like someone accidentally deleted their soft dash.... You could always try fixing it witht eh softmod installer via mechassault, or whichever game you used. That is, assuming you have a soft mod, which it sounds like.
That will work only if you still have the saves in your games saves folder on your xbox. If not find a freind with a softmodded xbox and copy then FTP their MS Dash to your xbox
yah but it depends. if his dash was gone and his game saves folder was open then the saves prolly arent there