so yea I've been kind of worried about what my siblings are doing on the computer while im at school so i was wondering if any of you wise and intelectual super beings would know of a program that can make the computer shut down or just stop the user from doing anything when something like the word "porn" comes up or something just something that will not just notify me that the word porn was typed but do something about it i hope you guys understand what i mean please and thank you
you want a parental web filter, in recomend Net nanny or cyber sitter do the job great, will block harmful content that you decided on, you will be notified on what they've been doing
i looked at them botha dn i dont think they're quite what i was looking for but thanks for sugesting them
theres always the good old faithfull cyber patrol, its a usefull program and it will do exactly what you require as far as the filtering is concerned, cant get it to shut your PC down but it will block harmfull content
err its filtering like what i said... But cyber patrol is the same..and its not even as good... You confuse me....i told you to look at filtering programs before and you said "i looked at them botha dn i dont think they're quite what i was looking for but thanks for sugesting them" and then you say you want a filtering program ???!!! WTF.... :|
hehe atleast someone appriciates it nero i just dont get it... and then Sypher suggests cyber patrol, its just the same and... What do you excatly want mexicouno,sounds like a filter to me LOL looks like you kinda read somthing wrong..or somthin.. ????!!!!
@mexicouno Ok i have another suggestion for you. You can use a keylogger program that sits invisible in the background and ur siblings would not know it and it would keep track of each and everythin everyone does on the pc. It can only be accessed by a set of hot key combinations that u would set. My dad uses it for hes work and it works like a charm, it captures everything from MSN Chat logs too sites games etc... Here is a link... Actual Spy Good Luck and Keep me posted...
im confuseing the world one person at a time well i was disapointed by the other program and so has been deleted. i have tried some keylogers but they arent all that helpful but at least i know what they are doing :/ well ummm the thing i was looking for was something that would just shutdown the coimputer every time a word like say porn was typed but i guess im asking for too much well i'll just use a keyloger of somekind thanks for all your help
Alright so you where disapointed by the best filtering prog going? why it has everything you expect from a web filter and offers it excelently..well spose its your choice... Cyber sitter and Cyber patrol there reviewed as best buys, Cyber sitter and NetNanny givin top marks once more..whats disapointing you with them, the majority of users love them..are you sure you even installed the right one lol?? try one of thoose may help you... can i ask why it must be turned off..why dont you use a filter to protect your children from veiwing offensive content??..well your choice spose lol..
@ mexicouno: the programs are sound and all but maybe you just need to password protect your system completely so that they cant use it period, unless you are around............
if you truly want a program that will shit the machine down based on a hot word or specific trigger, you'll probably have to write it. a keylogger, such as ghost keylogger, would allow you to monitor the activity. it'll even email the logs to you at any interval you choice. then when you look at the logs and find out the kid has been checking out, you run in and pop him upside the head with a flyswatter and say "dammit billy i said no porn!!!". then take his pc, and maybe his playstation as well. i'd go buy a new game then play it in front of him too, maybe take his cheetos. that'll teach him to not get caught looking at porn.