i want to burn a film i have downloaded from kazaa i have downloaded a few films and i cant burn them onto a dvd r i dont know why i am a newbie and i have tried all software advised in the guides i really do need a idiots guide to help me i can use nero to put the file on a vcd but it says disc is to small and i want to put the films on a dvd r anyway can someone helpme i have been trying for 3 weeks before i posted this message thanks
OK firstly downloading films is a NOT condoned on these forums and would be frowned upon if you reword your post maybe someone will help you DaOsT
i dont understand why is it frowned upon on this site i have seen advice for dvd ripping of the latest films i am trying to burn a film from 1979 "one flew over the cucoos nest for my girlfriend ??? i dont know how to reword it im sorry if i am offending anyone but i can only ask things how i see them as to yourselves maybe i am worse then a newbie consider me dumb coz i dont understand alot of this techo babble thanks anyway when i select the film using TMPGEnc using the browse button next to video as advised it says cannot open or not supported
ok thats because we own the dvd and just want to make a back up of it incase the original gets used as a frisby by kids who do that kind of thing .... I dun think you offended any one neither just talk of downloading can get the site in trouble and relates to piracy which the site is against I will have a think of other stuff that could be used instead of tmpgenc as I have only used that to date ..... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]..::WhO GiveS A ShiT::SO FuckiN WhaT!!::....::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....:onT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::.. ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM http://www.gazholland.com/[/small]
thanks alot mate im really stressed over this i have been trying for so long once i get something in my head thats it i can give up like i said earlier nero will do it but not to one disc if i try to do a vcd as the film is to big but i would like to put it on a dvdr if possible thanks mate i will look forward to your reply
hey pelpa......you dont say if you have made any successful back up copies of a dvd that you already own.....i'm only a newbie too but this might be a good place to start as it is the simplest form of what you want to achieve and at least will show that the software you are using all seems to do the basic jobs ok before you attempt anythng a bit more in depth. welcome to the vever ending frustration!!!!!!
hey dude ive put a vcd film onto a dvd-r disc all u have to do is get nero vision express download the dvd codecs and follothe instructions simple as dude try that!
Hi viper6699 yes i have backed up some of my own dvds i have now learnt how to do that but when i enter a film that is about 700.000Kbs it goes too big and the bar at the bottom of nero goes red and wont burn it ??????
Hi rippman so when you put the file from kazaa into nero from your harddrive does the bar at the bottom of nero go red or does it stay green if so i dont know how to do that thanks
sorry for the late reply been very busy! to keep the bar green it usually comes up with a box saying somethinglike "file too big would you like nero to compress file to suitable size" its says something roughly along them lines so then u say yes and if it doesnt do that carry on any way and write the file to your hard disk then when finished open it you will realise its now in vob format then go in to dvd shrink and open the file and shrink it works perfectley! any more probs please ask!