Ive been using winavi. I dont have a dvd burner so im using regular cd-r cds. I cant get winavi to convert the avi files i have (like around 700,000kb size movies) to fit onto one cd...it breaks it up into two different parts. one is like 700,000kb big and the next is like 250,000kb big. So i have to waste a whole 2 disc to put the last 30 minutes of the movie on it. What a waste. Is there anyway to make winavi convert it to one cdr size file. Like 700 meg file. VCD of course. Or can someone tell me another proggie that can do what im wanting and give me a very brief tutorial on it. I have like 16 movies im waiting to turn into vcds and burn but im trying to figure this out first. Thanks to anyone who can help me.
I know that I am not helping here … but I need to do the same I have a lot of avi movies and I need to convert them to VCD that could be fitted one disc … as I see here no one put an answer so if u figure it out .. plz tell me how ….
if the avi file is longer, in terms of audio, than the capacity of the blank cd disk then there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do, which may help, is use the source range option on the TMPGenc and cut the end credits and opening titles to make the file shorter and thus smaller. May help.
the only way you could fit more minutes onto 1 cd-r is to lower the bitrate, but by doing that your also lowering the quality. there are templates for tmpgenc(havent used winavi so i dunno about that) like kvcd, mvcd and dcvcd that encode your files in lower bitrates so that you can fit a whole movie on 1 cd. im not sure where u can get the dcvcd or mvcd templates, but u can find the kvcd templates here:http://www.topdownloads.net/software/view.php?id=9771 just a warning tho, the quality will quite poor and IMO it would be better to split the video file over 2 discs because for me anyway picture quality comes b4 how much you can fit on 1 cd-r any day of the week, but if you want your vid file on 1 cd-r you'll have to put up with the poor qual cheerz EDIT:.also not all dvd-players are able to playback kvcd encoded files so check if ur dvd player is on the compatibility chart here:http://www.kvcd.org/portal/articles.php?lng=en&pg=19 _X_X_X_X_X_[small]I'MMM GEEKIN OUT!!!![/small]
I aso have the same probles can u help me I have NEVER burned a vcd. can u plz help me with some programs