I want to create a torrent site. Just another place people can share files through, as I've seen so many under fire lately. I've got friends that can help me here and there, but the first suggestion was to find a nation where I could host this site and price server space there. So I ask, does anyone know which countries legally allow the uploading and downloading of possibly copyrighted content? I was told Finland and maybe Holland, but I'm really not sure. If no one knows, could i be told where to get such information? Perhaps some of you would like to conglomerate and make this a team project? Any assistance would be very appreciated.
Holland doesn't allow uploading, only downloading, Finland's laws have also changed. Not to mention, running such a server costs a LOT of money, per month. Think at least 120 dollars and up, and that's just the connection and a bare server with no storage. You need to have a lot of knowledge about networking, security, server technology, TBsource *torrent server sourcecode*, you need to constantly update the server and it's site, you need to have someone on guard at least 12 hours a day, checking for intrusions and other attacks, you need to have a REALLY good lawyer, site mods, etc etc. Costs for all this can rise into the 10000 per month range. Id'say give up now, unless yer willing to spend and lose a lot of cash.
Before you do anything read. hacking exposed fifth edition to really be able to protect your site... http://www.amazon.com/Hacking-Expos...=pd_bbs_2/105-6920448-3219656?ie=UTF8&s=books
Oh, you have to be KIDDING ME. Those books are worth f*ckall. If you want to protect yourself against "hackers", then hire a script kiddie to set up your security, will cost you a bit more, but it'll do more good than reading a book that doesn't even begin to properly list all posssible attack vectors a malicious user could throw at a website.
does anyone know any nations that allow uploading and downloading copyrighted meterial? i suppose thats the first thing i need to know.
Antigua *for the time being, might change* Tokelau *known for the .tk site hosting they offer*. Keep in mind, if the country you live in doesn't allow uploading/downloading, you can be arrested there for running a torrent site.
Yes, i did. They're behind on security affairs. WAY behind. *a hint here, i break into peoples' networks and systems for a living*
*a hint here, i break into peoples' networks and systems for a living* I've always wanted to learn how to hack for educational purposes. never managed anything.Lol
Guess that means you don't understand the true hacker mindset. guess not! you don't have to necessarily be a bad hacker aren't there white hat hackers!
Yes, and funny enough, i'm one of them *well, more of a grey hat hacker, but still*. Seems you didn't get my point, *my remark was meant as to reply to your words Here's the short and over-simplified explanation : A real hacker will keep on going to figure something out, will take his or her time to learn whatever is necessary, and will always do what it takes to feed his or her curiosity by tinkering with software, hardware, etc.
Quote:never managed anything Here's the short and over-simplified explanation : A real hacker will keep on going to figure something out, will take his or her time to learn whatever is necessary, and will always do what it takes to feed his or her curiosity by tinkering with software, hardware, etc. the problem for me was that i didn't know where to start. I didn't know what i needed to know to hack,so the consequence was failure.I'd just keep going on hacking forums...and it seemed as though everybody was in my position but were all acting like professional hackers. I needed a tutorial,guide or something telling me exactly what you neededd to know to hack,i wasn't one of those stupid morons that asked"how do you hack" i was aware that it was very complicated. I Read books,spent days searching for info...but all i managed to squeeze out of it was learning batch programming.LoL P.S the fiend,if you have any good sites to start off with please inform me of them as i am allways ready to learn.
I have none, as again, you don't have the hacker mentality. We do things out of curiosity, a need to know how everything works, and to solve problems (aka the rubics syndrome), not because we want be show off to people or to be able to say "hey, look at me, i'm a hacker". The places you hung out where what we usually call script kiddie forums, because you need tools and stuff to do things for you. But here's a pointer : go learn some programming languages (VB, C and all it's variants, Assembly code, Binary, and whatever else you might find interesting) and come back once you've written your first decompiler.