I want to make a backup of a dvd i already own, to dvd how do i do it

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by swenyb, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Hi, i want to make backups of all the dvds i own so that if the main dvd gets scratched or broken i still have one working copy, i have nero and a dvd burner, whats the way to go about it, this is the first time i have ever burned movies, but i consider myself reasonably good with computers so dont make it to basic, Whether you could recomend a guide for me to use or some software like dvd decrypter, any help would be much appreciated
  2. jomel

    jomel Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    You need to back up on HD(DVD Shrink)and than burn it with Nero!That's it!
  3. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    jomel has pointed out two good programes to use to achieve what you ask.Here is a link to one of the many guides on this site.If you have any problems we will assist

    A7V8X-X XP2800+,2x120gb,1Gig Ram
    Ati 128mb Graphics 2 x dvd Lite-on 411S NEC 2510A
    os windows xp sp1[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2004
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi swenyb,

    That did put a cramp in my post BUT if you change your mind, I have a guide I wrote using DVD Decrypter & DVD Shrink (both Free proggys) giving you all the settings, ect.

    Sorry, but recently we have been told by representatives of the owners to not upset any Newbies - That's why I'm not going to go against your explicit wishes at this time.



  5. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Thanks alot guys youve been a real help
  6. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Oh i dont mind if you feel that its a good guide that i can use then please tell me about it, im up for any advice dont worry i dont complain or anything like that, i wont get "upset" i admire this site and the people that help me out i would never go against anything or anyone on this site even if i did get annoyed
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    (OKieeeeee, he asked for it -:)

    Let’s go get one of your favorite DVD’s and make a copy of it so should something unforeseen happen to the original you’ll have a backup of it -


    Ok, let’s just sit down and get comfy in front of the Big screen TV cause in just a minute or so the “Uncle ScubaPete Show” will come on the air -
    - CLICK -
    ”Brought to you this evening by AfterDawn, the “Fat chewing” champion’s location of choice - and under threats by a crazed spear waving maniac, we are forced to present Mr. Brain-Dead, direct from his extend stay at the Happy Hills Institute of the Mentally Disabled and Disturbed Souls, and here he’ll be until it’s been discovered that he’s escaped yet again from that fine facility - and here he is, live and unfortunately still disturbed, it’s Uncle ScubaPete - - - - “

    [bold]Ooooohh Boy, Ooohh Boy, The ScubaPete’s so happy I could spit fish ![/bold]

    Big fat finny fish !

    And what’s soo great it could get Old ScubaPete (the original couch potato) excited ?

    [bold]FREE STUFF that’s what, FREE STUFF ![/bold]

    I know I run behind the times but this needs Shouting Out !

    The new DVD Shrink version really started it all !

    (Get your DVD Shrink’s newest version here - )
    Shrink Guide - you might want to look at this sometime -

    Yea I know, it’s been out for a while, like me, I’ve been out for a while but I just found out how truly kweel the new DVD Shrink was -

    We now we can go from Soup to Nuts, with just 2 programs and they are DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter -

    (Get your DVD Decrypter’s newest version here - )

    [bold]DID you know - that after we get setup, there are only 3 clicks (It takes 4 clickie things using DVD Xcopy) to go from start to finish ? How good is that ?[/bold]

    First, you should, as many of you do already, create a folder for your DVD backup before hand. This is the place on your HD where DVD Decrypter will work on your movie. Try to put it someplace where you won't forget it - i.e. C:/All DVD work/My Movie today.

    Now open up DVD Decrypter - and under "Mode", select "ISO" then "Write" - under "Source" you may leave that blank as DVD Decrypter will find the location that DVD Shrink will put your ISO files in all by itself. Select your "Destination" as your Burner - and make sure that the box that says "verify" is un-ticked (This last one will cut down on DVD Decrypter errors). Do that now. OK, feel free to close DVD Decrypter now because when DVD Shrink is finished it will open DVD Decrypter all by itself.

    Now you can place your original DVD in your DVD-ROM drive and a DVD blank in your burner's drive (If you have two drives). If you only have the one drive, put your original in that drive now. When the time comes for you to put in your blank in either the drive door will open OR a message will appear. As for your DVD media, after all my efforts, it had better be Ritek G04, Verbatim "DataLife", Ridata or any media boasting "Advanced Metal AZO". Other media could well be the cause errors. Only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Remember that RW discs will probably not play in standalone players. Now is defiantly not the time to put your crappy, "Look how much money I saved on these." cheap stuff in. If you don't know what I'm talking about - you better go back to reading these forum threads and seeing all the poor media complaints -.

    Now go into DVD Shrink, click "Edit", then click "Preferences" on this page we're going to select "DVD Target Size" as "Custom" and set the size anywhere between "4200MB" to "4300" - we do this to make sure that we don't burn to the very edge of the disc. Then, under the "File I/O" tab [bd]un-tick[/b] "Enable burning with Nero" then click "OK". Let's do it now !

    Now let's burn a DVD. Click "Open Disk" and let DVD Shrink analyze (rip) your DVD. If you wish, we can edit your movie now. To trim your movie a little, you can "un-tick" audio you don't want like the foreign audio streams, i.e. Outer Mongolian or Eastern Himalayan Yak language selections or the Director's comments. This will result in your DVD requiring less compression and a better quality picture. If you would like, as I do, to get rid of all the extras and trailers thus compressing your movie as little as possible (giving you the best quality picture), click "Re-author" then, under "Main Movie" select "Title 1" If there are more choices, look at the time and select the longest one as that is usually the main attraction. Click and drag the "Title 1" from the right-hand side of the screen to the left-hand side, under the "DVD Structure" (DVD) and release it there. Bingo, Bango, you are done editing, giving you the least compression (best quality), backup possible. Now select "Full Disc" to get ready to finish.
    If you want a total backup, that's all the things on the original disc, just let the "Automatic" (Default) settings alone. THEN when time comes, select "Backup". Take just a second and under "Target Device" go to "Select backup target " once there, select "ISO Image File and burn with DVD Decrypter". NEXT, IMPORTANT, tick "Launch DVD Decrypter to burn the output image" box. Finally, where it says "Select target image file", browse till you find your created folder for your backup and click "Save". That's it ! Click "OK" and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image to your HD. It then opens DVD Decrypter and has it burn the ISO image to your waiting blank DVD. - Believe it or not, that was as hard as it ever gets - Why is that you ask ?

    Because the next time all those boxes you had to do this time are already done - "Pissshaaa," you say. "Naaah." Says I. "Tis the most honest truth !" I added. :D) "Really and truly !" I stated.

    “OK, Ok, What now.” Says you. (OOOhh, Pooohh, I gotta stop this “says you, says me,) It’s wearing me fingers out) - - (Switching to regular typing mode - - clink, pop, -) - Done -

    OK, time to move on (switching to the moving on mode - click, %@# rattle - snap, - #%@-Ouuuch, S@it, that hurt -, OK, I got it -CRUnch&#$ ) - - Moving on -

    And I KNOW you aren’t going anywhere near that PC while it’s working cause you don’t want me a-smackin your knuckles with my Nun’s ruler do ya ? Yea, I thought not. - Screwin’ up the burn this late in the game would absolutely tick old ScubaPete off, causing me to choke on my fine finny fish dinner -

    Now tell me, - - - Wasn’t that finer than frog hair ? Slicker than a southern slimy slithery sloth ? Yep, ya see there, I thought you’d say that -

    Truly fine, that backup was - - “Hark, I heard a Backup Beep” - Aaauuugh, the officers in the white coats and armed with the big nets and straight jackets are here - a-backing up to my front door - nice talkin with you, this old ScubaPete just remembered he has to be somewhere, anywhere (looking for the backdoor) - -

    Enjoy youse selves and your backed up DVD’s - I’ll be a-seeeein’ ya round the ‘ole Chuck wagon -

    Now where are my quarters, and Where’s ol’ Paint, me trusty Horsie - - -
    Gotta go, gotta go - (jamming quarters in ole Paint’s neck)
    Get’em up Gurttie, gotta go, click, clump,
    (feedin’ in more quarters, maybe Paint’ll go faster - )
    Clippity, clippity, clippity clop -
    an we’re off - Seeeeeeeee yaa - -

  8. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Dude your mad, but at the same time your guide rules
  9. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Nice one Pete i bet you feel good already

  10. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Would that be the same one from the film [bold]Blues Brothers[/bold] ? heheh

    Oh and I totally concur w/ the theory of leaving the PC alone while burning DVD too ;c)
  11. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    hi Scuba have just recomended this guide to my friend he followed the guide and it all seamed to work out ok for him it all told him that it had succesfully completed but when he put it in his dvd player wrong disc any suggestions
  12. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    What is the make/model of your friends DVD Player ?

    [bold]DVD Player VCD,SVCD,CD-R/W,DVD±R/W Compatibility list[/bold]: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers

    Hope that helps (?)
  13. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Its a LITEON 411 sx external dvd burner and hes using printable dvd-r's, it does say that there compatible though
  14. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Question time -

    What is the brand of media being used ?

    Did it work in the PC ?

    Have you tried it in any other players ?

    Let's start with that :)


  15. michigan

    michigan Guest

    [bold]Sorry, but recently we have been told by representatives of the owners to not upset any Newbies - That's why I'm not going to go against your explicit wishes at this time.

    That's priceless!

  16. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    The Media: Infosmart 4.7GB 4x Printable DVD-Rs
    Recordable at 1x , 2x or 4x speeds

    When he put it in the pc his dvd rom drive kept making the same whirring sounds over and over nothing happened, when he clicked on his dvd rom drive in his folders it told him to enter a disk

    No but i'll give it a go in his xbox and my ps2 and his dvd player
  17. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Not exactly a highly referred media. Meritline has branded Ritek G04's for .45c ea. w/free shipping right now! That's right .45c EACH!

    This IS a highly recommended media here in AD. I have over 300 burns with only ONE bad disc using Ritek G04. Something to think about. Believe me when I say(my good friend Pete has said it many times): media makes a HUGE difference in the DVD burning game!

    Do not for a second think you can buy all this hardware and software, then skimp on media, NOT!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2004
  18. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Its not like hes skimped on media he has an epson r200 and wants to print onto all his dvds, so he buys printable media if theres some printable media that you advise is good then please recommend it to me
  19. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Let me say that expensive media does not mean good media. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that he was cheap. I only was stating you can buy good media without paying an arm and a leg for it.

    .45 for a disc is very cheap, but Ritek(ridata) are some of the best discs on the market.

    Go to meritline, they have both Ritek and Verbatim(these are the 2 most recommended media in this forum) printable discs. Overall, meritline and newegg seems to have the best prices on media.
  20. swenyb

    swenyb Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    No i know its ok, so are you saying that ritek and Verbatim are good printable media to buy

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