I want to take my camcorder footage and make a QUALITY DVD....

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by 40ozKing, May 6, 2005.

  1. 40ozKing

    40ozKing Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    i have a sony dcr trv-140 (digital8) camcorder, and i would like to make a DVD from my footage. i want to make a good quality DVD, with some smooth editing (i plan to spend a lot of time on it)

    i have most of my footage on my computer already, i used 1394 instead of usb, i think the quality seems better.

    i just want to know what the best program is out there to make a DVD from my footage? i want a program that also has some cool special effects... is there a program that can do stuff like you see in music videos, where the camera "shakes", like you see in a lot of metal videos?

  2. macburner

    macburner Guest

    are you on mac or PC?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2005
  3. 40ozKing

    40ozKing Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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  4. macburner

    macburner Guest

    It depends on your price range, but AVID is good and there is a free version (not
    reccomended). There is also ADOBE premier elements (more basic editing software).
    Pinnacle Studio Plus got good ratings, and is fairly simple to use. It also has a price range
    of $100.

    as for the shaking part, you could shake the camera around a bit.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2005
  5. dawnpaw

    dawnpaw Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    If anyone does know of any decent software then I would like to know also.
    I purchased Magix, which is so easy to use and the quality is good but I've had load of problems with my pc since using it. service pack2 doesn't seen to like the driver that comes with magix and I now keep getting the blue screen etc so I have had to remove the software. I have MyDVD but it's not very user friendly.
    Any help would be great.
    Panasonic camcorder
  6. 40ozKing

    40ozKing Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    i just got Power Director 4, and it seems like a pretty good program. one thing i don't like about it, is they make it almost, if not comppletely, impossible to trim/chop/splice parts of songs together so that you have an audio background that matches the movie... kinda hard to explain, but if you ever try vegas video, you know what i mean by how easy it is to edit and peice together a song to match your video.

    here is a site that compares and reviews video editing software...


    but i am having a problem with power director 4, i keep getting this "media source error", which i have started this thread about...

    if anyone could help me i would really appriciate it
  7. edsloter

    edsloter Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I use Canopus Procoder 2 (http://www.canopus.us/us/products/procoder2/pm_procoder2.asp) for encoding to MPEG-2, then I use Tmpgenc DVD Author (http://www.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/tda.html) for adding menus, splitting/splicing.

    Canopus Procoder 2 is about the best encoder you could get.
    Last edited: May 15, 2005

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