I have a removavble HD and I use it w/ WinXP pro and 98, and in 98 the icons for My Music, etc dont show up. I was wondering if there were any good icons out there: My Pictures My Music The My Computer Icons from Win 2000 [or Me can remember which one] Thanx. The my computer looks like these: http://www.isr.bucknell.edu/Ask_ISR/data/images/2kdomainjoin01.jpg http://helpdesk.princeton.edu/images/9353/mynet.jpg http://www.lboro.ac.uk/computing/systems/gfs-images/w2k01.jpg
make your own take a picture change to a bitmap image then right click your icon on you desktop go down to properties left click change icon browse to where your picture is next page at the botom where it says icon files click the drop down and choose all files now find your bitmap picture choose it click open click ok then click apply then ok
I WinXP it let's u use BMPs as icons which is cool, i wanna know if there are any out there. Can this trick work in 98?? I think it duz last time I checked.
Not sure on 98 but should be somewhat the same as XP what I do all the time I will use google to search images say skull and crossbones you will get a bunch of pages of them I will pick out some and save them somethimes they are Jpeg some are Gif files I use Adobe 7 to open and then save a copy of it as a bitmap that works as a Icon .A Gif file I use Adobe Elements 4 to convert to bitmap.I sure there are outher programs ouy there to make the flie converison