I'd like your opinions please!

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by KimTx, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    I'd like your input on something. I have a VERY large store bought VHS collection that takes up a lot of space. What do you think about this? I'd put all of my VHS tapes on quality DVD+R and then sell my VHS collection. These are store bought. They are NOT recorded so it would be legal to sell them. But, I want to know if my DVD+Rs would hold up for years to come. I'd hate to sell all my VHS that I paid a lot of money for over the years to turn around and have my DVD+R back ups go bad somewhere down the road. I've heard that some DVD media can go bad after just a short time. What is your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance!
  2. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    There are some claims that GOOD quality DVD media will last for 100 years. I don't know how this was determined, but I do know that they will outlast Vhs tapes. I'm sure, that with proper handling and storage that they should outlive most people ..

    Remember, you have to use quality media
    this is quoted from Verbatim's company website

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2005
  3. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    OK, thank you, Catfreak. If I do this I have 50 Maxell 8X DVD+R Taiwan made. Which I believe these would be Ricohjpn?, but I have no way of knowing for sure as I haven't put a DVD burner in my PC to test them with yet. Would you trust the Maxell to back up these store bought VHS which are quite precious to me? I want truthworthy media to put these on. Is the above mentioned a good enough quality?
  4. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I was told by a salesman at Office Depot that the Maxell discs that are on sale (at least the +R 8x ones) are Ritek R03 .. These are considered to be very good discs .. personally, I use them for my grandkids .. for myself I use Verbatim or Fuji/Yudens

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