Hi everbody I have a IDE connection on my motherboard and i wanted to know if I could get this http:///www.amazon.co.uk/Generic-Ha...ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1252184626&sr=1-247 and use one of these Convertors http://www.amazon.co.uk/SATA-Conver...?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1252184440&sr=1-50 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bi-Directio...?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1252186829&sr=1-11 and I want to set the new hard drive to a slave one and if I do need anything else, what would i need thanks
I've used those adapters before and I have no confidence in them. I tried different brands and they have a habit of sometimes not working or stopping to work. I wouldn't trust them for a boot drive or even a slave drive. One of them did show up on bios but sometimes they don't. I have 3 of them and don't use them. If you want to setup the drive as a slave drive it might be getter to get a usb 2.0 sata adapter. That's how I have my mediapc setup. Those are more reliable and never stop working when you need them. You just need to make sure it will fit in you case, the usb cable you can easily route it to the back of the case. http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=2020&cat=HDD If you have an available pci slot, you can use a PCI sata adapter card, those cards are more reliable and I have use them before. Only drawback is the drive won't show up in bios, and most boot cd's won't find the drive either. But once windows loads, your drive will be there. http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=CX-VT6421A&cat=CCD
I've only ever used a unidirectional one to run an IDE connector off a S-ATA connector and it worked, not tried them the other way round, but realistically for the money you're better off buying a S-ATA PCI card if you want a S-ATA drive. Don't get a USB adapter, as they're very slow. Also, drives using a PCI S-ATA card will show up in the BIOS and can be booted off. Such an example: http://www.amazon.co.uk/VT6421A-POR...1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1252247958&sr=1-1 Don't buy a generic hard disk from Amazon, it will be an old ex-warranty return second hand Maxtor or hitachi, and will be very unreliable. If you want a heap HDD, buy one of these: http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/500-...aviar-Blue-SATA-300-7200-rpm-16MB-Cache-89-ms