How about a stickey telling members that are using hacked/cracked software not to expect the program to work properly. How many threads have I read that say,[bold]" I downloaded nero complete with a keygen from k*z** and I was trying to back up a backup of GTA-SA. It gave me an error message (can you believe it?) but I tried to play it in my unmodded ps2 and my game system just laughed at me. Even my mom looked at me like I was stupid. Should I try playing it in my neighbor's xbox instead? I'm really getting frustrated because I'm A+ certified and if someone doesn't help me, I'm gonna cry. [/bold] thank you for your consideration.
I got my nero 6.3 from kazaa with keygen. It worked a treat. so I upgraded to 6.6, alta vista'd a key. It works a treat. Not everybody is daft.
How about Beat and learn, rhymes better. Buy stuff it will keep you employed compter no brainer. I work in computers, but think everything should be for free, why can't I get a job and why do I have to live in the street?