Idiot Gamegrl asks What Cards??? M3? Need guides?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by kitty66, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Hi everyone:

    I am still having trouble getting dslinux to run on my maxmedia doc card thingy and I use it with the MaXMedia Player in slot one...

    I would like to purchase something different. What are your recomendations for the best thing. I want something with RAM as I have read in this forum it is needed to use a browser. I am going to town today and I will get whatever is avail, but it may not be much. Am I better of ordering online. From whom?

    What browsers are avail? I know about Opera in japan and the dslinux text only browser, but are there other options. I seem to think so from reading threads but I am so confused. Is M3 a browser, program launcher, ahhhhhhhhh.

    Also given my extreme lack of understanding on the sub, what guides are your favorite on this homebrew subject. I have had success getting quite a few of these to run. I would also like to learn to backup my games if that is even possible (or necessary????)

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide the noobgamer!
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Considering you want to use DSLinux I would recommend you either get a Supercard Lite or an M3 Perfect Lite(or MiniSD if you have the original DS) , both can run DSLinux, and I believe you can get special distos of DSLinux for these where Linux will use the additional RAM of the devices.

    The catch with this is only the RAM is used, you cannot actually use the cartride to load the Opera browser, you need to buy both a slot-1 device (eg M3 DS Simply) AND a Slot-2 device(eg M3 Perfect Lite/Supercard Lite) for the browser to work.

    Browsers available:
    - DSLinux Text Only Browser
    - Opera Browser (JPN)
    - Opera Browser (USA)
    - Opera Browser (EUR)
    I also think some guy is programming a homebrew browser, but i don't think anything has been released

    The M3 is a hardware device (like your Max Media) just much better =)

    Mine =) - mainly focuses on how to get the M3 devices running
    Pakixds - Supercard
    Venoms - EZFlash
    (All links in sig)
    you could try searching google for some other guides, theres loads out there.

    It is possible to backup your games using an M3 Perfect and 'dumper.nds' i guide on how to do this is on dualscene (google dumper.nds dualscene and you'll probably find it)

    Well, you can download the games too, i have quite a few originals so I like to backup my own occasionally.
  3. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Hi MrHanky

    Thanks for your response! So I believe I need to purchase the m3 ds simply and the slot 2 m3perfect lite. Is this something I am going to find in a shop these days? The posts I have been reading are from mostly last year and it looked like the only option was online. If that is the case I will order today.

    I believe I can get the microsd's in town.

    SO, there is a way to run the opera browser without the NDS chip? If I understand you correctly one slot runs the proggie and the other acts as ram?

    So if this were true I would use the 9.20 build beta the link sent me to in your post??? Does it still support the touch screen?

    Let me say thanks again! I will have a million questions forgive me.

    Is there anything that emulates the goofy pictochat software for the ipaq pocket pc running win2003, or any way to make it "talk" to the DS???

    Do you know of any reliable hombrew chat proggies. I tried one blu something but the site link was bad...

    ^ ^

    And thank you in advance to those gamegrls/bys out there who take time to help noobs! I will do my best to help other noobs with the information I receive!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  4. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Yes that is a good combination :)

    These are not sold in any retail stores as their main purpose is to play pirated games, so you will have to buy online.

    Yes, but you might want to compare the prices with those available online as retail stores usually massivly overcharge you for memory cards.

    IGNORE the link!! this is automatically added by this forum, like if I was to type FPS or Bitrate it automatically links you - wonder if there's a way to stop it?

    Beup - Msn Messenger
    DSorganise - features an IRC client

    Not really any 'talking' involved but you could setup an FTP client on the ipaq and run DSFTP on the DS for file transfer, but thats about it.

    EDIT: There you go again, another auto-link from afterdawn ' FTP ' ¬_¬
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  5. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Thanks again!

    So now as I understand it you DO need to buy the NDS opera chip to use opera?? Or is there a version to dl to slot one and use slot 2 as ram??

    ^ ^
  6. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    You can download a ROM of it to use. I cannot give a direct link to the file as it's against forum rules.
  7. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Say no more, say no more. I will figgure it out. Thanks so much for your help!

    I am off to order my chipies! I have learned quite a bit today. Thanks again.

    ^ ^

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