IE Error

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by pringlek, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    Been searching the KB and Internet for help on the following error, but can't seem to get anywhere.

    When I am in IE I get the following error.

    The action cannot be completed because the other program is busy. Choose 'Switch To' to activate the busy program and correct the problem.

    When I click on Switch To it opens my start menu and on retry it just stays there.

    It is infuriating. I don't want to change from IE as so many people are want to suggest, I merely want to get rid of this error, any suggestions?


  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

  3. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    Thanks, tried this, and it is still doing it. If I have 3 windows and office open, it will still give me this error. I am having to shut down and restart all the time. Really frustrating. Any other suggestions?
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    <<smiles>> you gave me the clue possibly to your problem -- ""I have 3 windows [bold]and office open[/bold] "" -- Here's the link to update OFFICE at the Microsoft website !

    Top of the page you will see [bold]""Check for Updates""[/bold] -- this should download and apply many fixes to your Office software.

    Have a great day !
  5. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    thanks! ;o) Have done the updates, and will do a test to see if I can crash it later. I have another query, if I may. If not its ok.

    I have installed pop up blockers, windows security and an ad blocking program, but I still keep getting one particular pop up which is almost as infuriating as the error, espcially cause it usually pops up and causes a third or fourth window to open, what can i do to get rid of it?
  6. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Here's a FREE little popup blocker that sits in your tray while your PC is on !

    Once you have it loaded -- you have to train it ! -- means that when a stray popup shows up , you right click the icon and -- choose ADD/Remove Popup -- then at the bottom part of the new window that comes up -- you will see the url of the popup that came in -- just double click it -- and it will close it and REMEMBER to kill it next time if it comes again -- after awhile you will no longer have any popups coming at you !

  7. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    [bold]THANK YOU[bold] Can I keep you? ;o) Really appreciate your help! You have saved my computer from a short trip out the front window, and me from insanity!
  8. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    NO NO NO! I am getting that stupid error again, I am only in IE now, no other windows open, no files waiting to be written to cd, nadda. Opened up a new IE window and up it popped....Server busy...
  9. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Originally you posted the above as the error you were getting !

    Now it is a Server Busy ?
  10. pringlek

    pringlek Guest

    That it is, and the other program, getting both. Not sure what to do anymore.
  11. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    What O/S are you running ? Is it updated to the latest ? Did you clean your Temporary Files -- ! Did you run an online scan for virus ?

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