ie problem need urgent help

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by drilon1, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. drilon1

    drilon1 Member

    Dec 2, 2005
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    hey its me once again

    well my comps runnin fine, but theres 1 problem, its my internet explorer..i dont use it at all, but i need it to b able to use windows live messenger, the problem is it says there is no connection with ie to the internet! its like theres no connection at all, everytime i try to browse a webpage it says "cannot find server" and my windows live messenger gives out "error - 80048820". i dont know whats wrong with it, because my mozzila works just fine, is there anyway i can switch the programs that use ie to connect with mozilla? if not then how can i fix the problem i already have!!

    thanks in advance
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Live messenger doesn't work without IE being online..from what I read anyway (scabby M$ junk)..try something like trillian..same functions and will run on the same servers. I usually install FF and trillian on M$ machines that come for service. The free one is fine.

    ie not connecting..sounds like a firewall issue or something like that..who cares??

    BTW there are about 5000 security advisories for live messenger at the moment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2007
  3. drilon1

    drilon1 Member

    Dec 2, 2005
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    well ill dl that later, but right now i would really like to fix my internet explorer! i have broadband and this problem has never happened, only recently, i think its from when i scanned with the new programs i dl, like AVG and all that stuff, does anybody know how i can fix the way my IE connects 2 my broadband?? cause my mozilla is workin just fine!

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