First off I don't believe there is god as discribed in the holy texts, like the bible or the koran. If there is a god (with a big highlight on "if" ) he, she or it will manifest itself in a pariculair culture in a particulair way, for example the ancient egyptians, the Greeks, the Kelts, whoreshiped the same god in their own particulair way. what are your thoughts?? and why !
God does exist first of all because my name is [bold]God[/bold] and seceond I am [bold]God[/bold] so bow down to god bish!!
noooooooooooooooo alllll hail me!!!!!!!! im god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Religion is too sensitive to be dicussed here, try a religious forum or otherwise... but since you made the topic, here's my 2 pence. I think he exists, but he ain't as the Bible preaches him as. He is not the perfect being or the most powerful existence in the Universe. I could go on and on, but I would offend a LOT of people. So I'll stop there.
Did you hear about the insomniac, agnostic aetheist, dyslexic? He lies awake all night wondering if there's a dog... sorry, couldnt resist it.
I believe God exists, but he has too much time on his hands to worry about us. Imagine this entire world as resting on a blade of grass, which also carries the rest of the planets in our solar system. Now imagine God having about 20 acres of this land which is full of grass that comprises our universe. Do you really think he's going to worry about 1 measly blade of grass? Our universe is so huge. But... Maybe we're just God's ant-farm. Maybe he just created us and let us live without his interfering just so he could see what happens. Maybe he did care at one point but he eventually gave up on the human race. Too many possibilities I can think of, and there's probably at least a billion more. The Bible (I think) is a book of stories. They are there to set a good foundation for the youth. Be a good person, you will go to Heaven. Be an evil person, you'll burn in Hell for eternity. Not everything in the Bible should be taken word-for-word, like some people tend to do.
Did you hear about the americentric "internet text" who doesn't take timezones and the fact that some people speak 5 languages and english isn't their native one, into account, who has no clue as to what his thoughts are about some significant topics? Well...... if you didn't, you prob. didn't read the preceding text.
i was responding to what bigPanz was typing so, and ofcourse i was, i am, and always will be under the influence ! (and to meet your expectations : i wear wooden shoes, live i a mill, and sell tulips) now that that is cleared up, lets get back on topic !!!!
What if god does exist? What if you're not really where you think you are but some brain in a jar full of fluid with a bunch of electrodes stuck into you, making you think you're feeling and doing things? What if String Theory is the the truth? I feel you for trying to get into a thoughtful debate, but i think history has shown that asking people something like this is only gonna end up one way. With people arguing with each other, and no clear answer.