I purchased DVD X Copy ver. 3.2.1 from a retailer a couple of weeks after the ban. After days of coaster burning and frustrating calls to 321 Studios I noticed a post here from a gentleman who indicated he experienced similar problems, and that he might have an answer. He did! It was DVD Shrink. Not only was it a free download, but it even worked properly. With DVD X Copy Platinum my success ratio was about 50%. So far with DVD Shrink my success ratio is 100%. That's right boys and girls... not one wasted DVD! Your results may vary, but if you are as frustrated with DVD X Copy as I was you might consider trying DVD Shrink. Also.... I was able to convince my retailer what a piece of junk DVD X Copy is. They took it back and refunded my money. Good luck!
good post there por901. one other tip for you (if you aint already got it) very very occasionally you may find shrink cant break the copyright protection on a disc. in this case another little darling of a prog you can download (again for free) is DVD_Decrypter. but like i said......no need for this step unless shrink cant read the disc you are trying to back-up BTW.......welcome to the freebie side of the divide.......you know it makes sense........ viper
DVD Decryptor is also the best way to go if the DVD is under the 4.7 GB limit because of its decryption abilities, as well as some other nice addins. It also makes a perfect ISO image for burning, and will burn directly to DVD-r now. U only need DVD Shrink if the DVD wont fit on a DVD-R. Viper6699 is right. The freebie side of the house is the way to go. Not much you can't do with the free stuff out there.
Hey POR901 I had almost the same trouble with plat. and switched to dvd shrink to try before I went out and spent another fifty bucks on different media (wich was what they said my prob was) and dvd shrink is 100% for seven b/u's. So far I'm leaning on giving my dvd xcopy to the good will store...
agentduke..........unless you want all the extra's (subtitles, forgien audio etc) i would suggest always using shrink. if all you really want is the movie then it can lead to a better quality if you re-author and use the full disk for the movie. but you are right in what you say. decrypter is great if the original is a dvd5 and you are happy with a full copy.