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Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by CalvinH, May 4, 2009.

  1. CalvinH

    CalvinH Member

    May 4, 2009
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    I have a standard silver DS Lite, an R4 SDHC (www.r4sdhc.com) and a 1GB Micro SD Card.
    All working with no problems whatsoever, until I try with a SanDisk 8GB SDHC Micro.
    I can plug the SDHC Card into my P.C (Vista) and it reads fine. I even fomatted with Panasonic's SD Formatter 2.0 just to be sure.
    I copied all files from my 1GB Micro SD to the 8GB Micro SDHC card and it just won't work. It just sits at thye loading screen.
    The first 8GB card I bought had a (circled) 4 in the top right-hand corner. I assumed that could have been a problem and so I purchased another with a (circled) 2 in the top right-hand corner.
    Same thing... Readable by Vista, Format with Panasonic's SD(/HC) Formatter 2.0, copy ALL original files, and... Nothing. Just the Black and White Loading screen.

    Has anyone else had any problems with a High Capacity card and the R4 SDHC?
    And does anyone have any ideas on how to help?
    Thanks in advance, Barry.
  2. CalvinH

    CalvinH Member

    May 4, 2009
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    Never mind... Just started working...
    No Software changes or anything.
    Just turning on and off and it started working. lol

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