I have a standard silver DS Lite, an R4 SDHC (www.r4sdhc.com) and a 1GB Micro SD Card. All working with no problems whatsoever, until I try with a SanDisk 8GB SDHC Micro. I can plug the SDHC Card into my P.C (Vista) and it reads fine. I even fomatted with Panasonic's SD Formatter 2.0 just to be sure. I copied all files from my 1GB Micro SD to the 8GB Micro SDHC card and it just won't work. It just sits at thye loading screen. The first 8GB card I bought had a (circled) 4 in the top right-hand corner. I assumed that could have been a problem and so I purchased another with a (circled) 2 in the top right-hand corner. Same thing... Readable by Vista, Format with Panasonic's SD(/HC) Formatter 2.0, copy ALL original files, and... Nothing. Just the Black and White Loading screen. Has anyone else had any problems with a High Capacity card and the R4 SDHC? And does anyone have any ideas on how to help? Thanks in advance, Barry.
Never mind... Just started working... No Software changes or anything. Just turning on and off and it started working. lol