Illegal Disc with Azo, Help!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Mooseland, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Mooseland

    Mooseland Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    So I received a 100 pack of HQ AZO 4x DVD-R blank discs. I get excited and pop one of them into my ND-1300A burner, which most blank media retail sites say is compatible with my recently purchased HQ AZOs. and burn some vob files to one of them with Nero burning rom. Immediately the event summary says that its an illegal disc. This comes as a surprise to me, as I'd been using fujifilm DVD-Rs with no problem for some time.

    What could be the problem here? Is it the 4x of AZOs? Is it Nero? Is it my burner? Should I ship them back and get a refund?

    Any suggestions are appreciated.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi Mooseland,

    I can only speak for myself as the "new" AZO's start flooding the market.

    When Verbatim had their AZO's it was a pretty closely monitored product. Now that almost anyone can produce "AZO" discs it seems to be another story.

    I don't mind experimenting so I purchased a quantity of "Great AZO". Running this through DVD Identifier produced information, which made me wince. In this case, the mfg could be traced to a company called InterAxia, located in Switzerland. The interesting thing is, InterAxia doesn't manufacture anything at all. What they do is sell the mfg. process to other companies, a total of 6 different companies with a total of 12 different plants. Each plant manufactures a different item, i.e., one plant produces a single-sided Jewel Case single, the next a single-sided Jewel Case 5-piece, then a single-sided Jewel Case 10-piece and so on – Of course there several companies producing the same thing so there's no telling who made anything. It is my feeling that you'll see the exact same thing.

    Download this handy little tool and see for yourself –

    So I caution you, trusting in AZO is not what it used to be.

    If you want AZO, Buy Verbatim "Advanced Metal AZO" to be sure.

    I put my faith in RiData, Ritek G04, Sony and, as I've said, Verbatim "Advanced Metal AZO".

    Back to your question – If you can, get your $$$ back on those discs.

    Your Nec burner will simply love RiData. I've got over 400 backups with them and another 200 + using Ritek and Verbatim.:)

    BTW, Welcome to aD –



  3. Mooseland

    Mooseland Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Thanks man, I'm returning the DVDs in the mail tomorrow. I'll pick up some more fujifilm or those high quality discs you mentioned.
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    You might want to check the FugiFilm with the DVD Identifier to make sure of it's quality. I've heard reports going either way -

    BTW, if you're in the "states" check Mertline.come for the Ritek or the RiData about $.45ea(USD)

    In the U.K. try

    Cheers, Mate


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