Ilo DVDR04 8x vs. 4x

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by tafkam, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. tafkam

    tafkam Guest

    Two part question about the recording speeds on these if anyone can help me out. I recently got a 2nd ilo for another room but I think it is the 4x version, the manufacture date was July 04, is there any way to tell if it is 8x or 4x by manufacture date? I have not opened the box yet and may want to take it back and wait on an 8x. The serial number is on the outside of the box but it is only numbers, 60143000xxxx and this does not match up to the serial numbers listed on the firmware page.

    2nd question, what real difference does it make what speed the recorder is? A two hour program will take 2 hours to record no matter what speed the burner is. Same thing with dubbing, and since the recorder has no real ability to burn from files like a PC burner does, is there any advantage to waiting for one if the 8x to hit my local Wal Mart??

    Thanks for any info anybody can give me, I appreciate it.

  2. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    I dont know of a way to tell from outside the box.

    There would be no advantage in the dvdr04. Like you said it records in realtime and as it has no hdd to transfer to or from speed of the burner is null. Only thing is the 8x would be a bit newer drive. The way they stay on top of the firmware for the drives though I wouldnt think anything of it.
  3. tafkam

    tafkam Guest

    Thanks, kind of what I was thinking too, guess I will hang on to this one, no need to worry about the faster drive then. Thanks again
  4. katherat

    katherat Guest

    Would a January 2005 manuf. date be the 8x ?
  5. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    May be. Look at # in setup menu. If the 4th set of 4 # are B20x before (xxx xxxx) x=any number or letter then it is. Or open the unit and see if it is 451s or 811s. 811s is 8x.
  6. da3dalus

    da3dalus Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    When I talked to a guy in tech support at ILO, he assured me speed of discs should not be a factor in ability to record, only the manufacturers mattered. His explanation was, "the unit only records at 1X, and they're all backward compatible with that, whether the case says 2.4X, 4X, or 8X."

    The BIG problem I'm having with mine is that of finding the perfect brand of media. I started with Memorex 2.4X (no problems until I opened the second pack... then, BLAMMO); tried CompUSA - the 2.4X discs worked like a dream, but when they disappeared and only 4X were available, "invalid disc"; moved to Sony 4X - a few invalid disks, then they worked for a while; when I got tired of Sony's failing, I bought some cheapo liquid video discs from circuit city and the first 60 or so worked, then failure after failure; spent more money on Philips and thought I finally had it made - the first twenty worked like butter, then a repeat of the other brands; switched to Verbatim, work great for recording single movies but try to have more than one session and they're coasters; TDK - got through about 40, then every 3rd one or so failed; so now i'm set to try some Office Depots and Maxells, but still wary. It seems no matter what the brand, I get through about 60% of a pack and then it all goes down the tube.

    My second problem is: I really really want to recover some Sopranos and Deadwood episodes I have on some of the so-called invalid discs. I can put them in my computer and see the .vob files in the video_ts directory. How do I safely extract them and reburn to work in my DVD player?
  7. hardlock

    hardlock Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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  8. Norex

    Norex Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Had an August 2004 - 4x Drive
    Had a July 2004 - 4x Drive
    Just got a January 2005, 8x Drive
    Used Serial Number info @
    to identify

    (btw returned the previous ilo's to test what was what none defective, just letting ppl know that I didn't just blow em out cause they were bad, just testing manufacturer dates!.)
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2005

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