ILO DVDR05 Compatibility problems...

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by tnwriter, Jun 18, 2005.

  1. tnwriter

    tnwriter Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    I purchased and have been using this recorder for a week now. The recorded disks look great when played in the 05. However, there seems to be a compatibility problem with other players in the house.

    I have a Sanyo, an Apex, a GE, and a Cyberhome.

    Since the 05 is a Cyberhome product you'd think it would be no problem. Won't even load the disk. The only one of the above that will load the disk is the Sanyo and the picture pauses on it about every 45 seconds for 10 seconds or so then continues playing.

    I'm using Sony DVD+R disks which the help tech (talk about an oxymoron) told me was one of the 3 disks that had been approved for total compatibility.

    All recording speeds have been tested and the disks are being finalized prior to removal. The results are the same on all players regardless of speed.

    HelllllllllllllllllllllllllP... or it's going back.
  2. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     Usually a problem like this is caused by poor grade media ... However, Sony is good stuff ... Maybe, just for kicks, you should try another brand, and if your problem persists ... Exchange your unit ... Try a Verbatim or a Maxell disc first though...
  3. tnwriter

    tnwriter Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Thanks for the tips. Changing media was the first thing I did.

    Verbatim is the only one I haven't tried yet. Maxel records and plays fine in the 05 (as do all brands so far) but they react in the other players exactly the same. This tends to make me believe it's something in the recorder rather than the discs or the other players.

    So far I've tried 5 of the 8 discs that ILO/Cyberhome suggested. Thats another funny thing, they suggest 8 different brands on their onscreen help section in the recorder. However when you talk to the techs, they only suggest 3 of the 8. As of the purchase of the Sony discs, I officially have more invested in discs that won't work in other units than I have invested in the recorder.

    The latest help(?) from the tech today were 2 files to upgrade the bios. They were nero files and when I burnt the disc tonight, the recorder wouldn't recognize any files on the disc.

    I'm getting on a first name basis with the return folks. It's to the point of being amusingly frustrating.
  4. imabooger

    imabooger Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    I also have a ilo dvdr05, and I have the same problem. Don't know what to do.

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