Im converting tapes into MP3's- what quality?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by derodra, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. derodra

    derodra Member

    Nov 28, 2003
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    Im converting a few tapes into MP3. What quality should I make the MP3 to/ Anyone know what the quality of a tape is in equivalence to MP3's?

  2. pandymen

    pandymen Guest

    Like everything else, the quality of the media will determine the quality of the information. How good the tape is depends on its brand and how it was stored.

    How are you reading the tapes into your computer? That will the be most lossy process. As for your question, I'd burn into 256kb/sec just to be safe.

    Just my 2 cents.
  3. EsirnuS

    EsirnuS Guest

    Like pandyman says

    the determining factor in quality is how you are recording the cassette audio to the computer digital audio.

    converting to mp3 is going to lose minimal quality compared to tha process.

    you may want to look into some software that can "clean" up the audio after you have recorded it to your hard drive. there are a few around.

    Once you have your best audio from the tape then decide on your mp3 conversion quality.
  4. Tongaskpo

    Tongaskpo Guest

    I think you can try with 96 kbps.


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