I haven't meantioned my gf's pregnancy very much,but she finally had our baby. I am a DADDY!!!! They had to induce her labor. The doctor was bouncing around from OB and the ER and took forever.Once they broke her water,Kinzie was out in under an hour. She was born approx 02:27 EST at 7 lbs and 12 ozs. Lengh of 21 inches. She looks like me with red/curly hair. We named here Kinzie Rayne,even though I'll call her Rayne. Mamma is doing fine. She went naturally and didn't use an epideral. I grabbed a couple hrs sleep,so posting up this update. Pics will follow in a day or 2. She'll be in the hospital till friday at the latest. My hats go off to all women who deliver naturally.Absolutely incredible.
don't go turning into Ireland on us, ddp...one of him is enough if you read this, ireland, ya know i love ya! XD
Congratulations. I'd buy ya a beer if I could send it over the net. I wish you and your daughter and your GF all the best. Beer for you, not Rayne, that is!
Congrats saugmon. Having a little girl is awsome. Not that boys are not special either (dont know as I dont have one), but you will have tons of fun with your daughter. They are extra extra extra special. Well dont to both of you!!!
Cool Saugmon, Congrats to You and the little woman. Now we understand why you went fishing every day for 2 months. No more for now. Yeah now you need a tadpole for your sig, like ddp said. Did you go in the delivery room?
A huge change is in store for me. Dvd burning will slow down big time,as well as the fishing, UGGH! Oh well,it'll be worth it. I'm just lucky to get this opportunity.L Here's a couple pics of the Lil Angel: Her hair looked red last night,but a little darker today-and she has gobs of hair. She's also very quiet,sits around watching everybody. A real squirmer,just like her mamma.We should be bringing home the lil bugger friday. Mamma is doing well.
Beautiful Family you got there man, wish you and your family the very best! I wish you and your family great things! From the star.
saugmon, i have the exact same t-shirt the new mom is wearing...it's hanging behind me right now! ^.^ beautiful family, there. congrats again!
@saugmon....great pics! Nice pudgy little cheeks! But just pudgy enough ... the woman in the following link must have had one hell of a day: http://www.nbc10.com/news/9851177/detail.html