I'm having problems

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Headache, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. Headache

    Headache Member

    Jun 17, 2002
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    Hello people I'm new here. So let's get down to it I've just bought a philips dvd+rw & cd/rw burner last week. so here's the problem i can't get the dam thing to burn a full 120mi. movie which was in two halves put them togather with win.movie editor and watched it on my computer which worked out fine but when i try to burn it i can't on a single disk instead i have to use 2 dvd/r disks where should i start

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2002
  2. churdy

    churdy Guest

    ok, is your movie in the right format, which I think is mpeg4 and are your DVD-R's double layerd. I would suggest you start the movie from scratch, because you lose picture quality, when you convert it to avi and then more when you convert to mpg2, so I would get the DVD again and do a one to one copy

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