I'm new to all of this...

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by wkedklwnz, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. wkedklwnz

    wkedklwnz Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Hello, I was wondering if someone could give me some advice.I recently started using dvdshrink and found that you could put 2 movies on one disc. So I immediatley did this to save hard drive space until I buy some blank dvds. Now my question is... is there a way to re-author said dvd and bea able to select which movie I want to watch with out having to skip all the way through the first one? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Acme8790

    Acme8790 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    wkedklwnz~~ This is not directly answering your question but this is just a suggestion. With the price of DVD-r's coming down to the price of $.25 to $.50 depending on quality, I would personally burn one movie per disk. I use shrink for all my back ups and many movies you will have to shrink a bit just to get one movie to fit on one disk. I am a person about quality myself and would rather have qulity movies then quantity movies. I recently went to shop4tech.com and picked up 100 sonic 1x-4x disks for $25. So far I have backed up 22 disks and have not had a problem.

    Now back to your question. Do a search on how to make menus. I searched it one time and found that there are ways to do the question that is asked. But in my opinion I simply do one movie per disk to keep quality and to save time.

    I know I did not answer your question directly but was just trying to maybe help.
  3. XxXed

    XxXed Guest

    Dude i need to know the exact same thing!!!
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    There are several apps that will do what you wish. TMPGEnc DVD Author,Nero's NeroVision Express(NVE), DVDLab, etc.

    I prefer DVDLab, but it costs 99.00 and requires a learning curve.

    NVE comes with Nero Ultra 6, a complete audio and video package. You can reload it each and every month for free and use it the entire month til you decide to buy.

    With it you can create chapters and/or a menu that will enable you to go to each title whether it be 2 or 6. It even has a little software remote that you can preview your work with til you are ready to burn.

    TMPGEnc is a good program also, but I like NVE cos you get so much other stuff with it.

    Hope this helps....
  5. wkedklwnz

    wkedklwnz Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Thanks so much to everybody who responded. I appreciate the quick responses.

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