i am really, really new to the whole idea of burning movies to dvds so i could really use some help... i was wondering if someone would be kind enough to write a easy-to-understand guide for the whole process of burning the dvds. i need help everywhere from converting the avi files into mpeg2 files, to putting the mpeg2 files onto a blank dvd so that i can watch them on my dvd player. i know i am asking a lot, but it would really help me if someone would take the time and write a step by step proceedure on how to use tmpgenc and nero.
Well you are Going to need More Software than Just Tmpgenc and Nero, Actually there isn"t any Need at all for Nero because it can not author DVD"s it can Only Burn the DVD Folders to DVD and it doesn"t Create the DVD File Structure or Create Menu"s and Chapters...The Whole Process of Going from a Plain AVI file you downloaded off the Net to a Finnished DVD useing Tmpgenc and a DVD authoring Program is a Little More Information than I have Time to Write down Because going step by step and explaining every Process in detail would Take me about 10-16 hours and Take up about 25 pages especially since it seems that you don"t know much about how to do it so What I would Suggest is you use one of those Programs that will Take your AVI file and encode it to Mpeg for DVD and add Chapters and Menu"s and Finally Create the DVD all in the same Program, Something like "Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2.X/3.0" or something like "MyDVD 5" or "Ulead DVD Workshop 2.0" and there are may many More that will do it all for you But these Programs do not Produce as good of Quality as useing a Standalone encoder Like Tmpgenc and some other encoders can ,but it is a LOT easier of a process to Figure out and after you understand the Whole Procedure of DVD Authoring then you can Dabble into createing the Mpeg2 files yourself and authoring them to DVD Cuz there are So Many different Variables that Come into Play when Createing the Mpeg2 Files yourself Like if your AVI file uses the Wrong Frame rate for were you Live(Like you have a Pal AVI file and you Live In the US which is NTSC) then you would have to go through this Long and extremely complicated process(more complicated than createing a DVD) of Converting the Pal file to NTSC or Visa Versa...And if your AVI file has a wierd Audio format Like VBR Mp3 or Dolby AC3 then you have to go through this other Proscess of Extracting the audio and converting to a format that the encoder can read, Or if your AVI file uses a very Low Resolution then you would be better useing one of the Other DVD formats because resizeing a Low resolution AVI to a High Resolution mpeg2/DVD file will Just destroy the Quality so useing a Lower resolution DVD Format might be better and then you would have to know the Specs of the Other DVD formats..Or if your AVI file uses a Different Aspect ratio than the Mpeg2 file you want to create then you have to know how to resize the AVI file to the Correct Resolution according to the Target aspect ratio and then add boarders arround the Picture too keep it DVD Compliant...And you also have to learn about Interlaceing and 3:2 Pulldown and a whole Load of other stuff... As you can see doing this Correctly and understanding the Concepts behind what you are doing can be extremely difficult to Grasp all at once so it is better to start slow and work your way up to doing it all by yourself, you can download 30 day demo version of the programs I mentioned before at there respective web sites...There also might be some guides on this site and over at "http://www.dvdrhelp.com/" that will help you out with this...well good Luck and sorry I don"t have the Time and energy to spend the Next 16 hours Typeing....Cheers
you recommended one of these for me to make dvds: Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2.X/3.0, MyDVD 5, or Ulead DVD Workshop 2.0... which one would you say is the easiest to use?
I suppose that Ulead DVD Movie Factory is Probably the easiest to use because it works on a WiZard sort of Interface were it takes you through the different steps of Createing the DVD and it has a firly good help file that will halp with any problems you may encounter....well good luck
i got ulead dvd movie factory 2 just like you reccomended, buy when i try to add an avi file to the "add video" section, it says that it is "not accesible" please help.
Well I have no idea why that you happen or even what the error means...Do you have all of the Right codecs installed??? Is there a chance the AVI is corrupted because that is very common with downloaded files.....?
i downloaded ANOTHER avi file, and this one had the same problem as the first one. it seems that all large files (41mb) dont work, and all the small files (4,5,6mb) do work. any idea?
yo why dont u just burn th movie as a vcd. its alot easier.all u need is nero and a program i use thats called divfix. divfix will fix all th messed up frames. u dont need tmpgenc bc the newest nero will encode for u but u can use tmp if u want. it depends if u plan on watchin these movies or a dvd player. also if u hav an apex dvd player u can watch these. id say its a great investment to buy an apex considerin they are like <$50. i hav one and i can watch all my movies. its alot easier process than to go through th process of burning dvds. u should still continue to learn how to burn dvds. Brettsky
Don"t use nero to encode your VCD"s because it produces the worst Quality VCD"s of any program available and it is well known but anyone with any experience in this area.... The Problem could be because the AVI has an Audio format that the Program doesn"t Like...If you PM me with your E-Mail address I can send you a tool to decompress the audio in your AVI which should make it easier to encode and I can send you a couple tools that are used for Fixing AVI files that might have corrupt headers.......Cheers
for some reason the pm isnt working on my computer. if you just give me the name of the software i can try to find it.
Well the Tool I use to decompress the audio in my AVI files is Called "Decompress,exe" it comes with a Crappy encoder called "AVI2VCD" so if you download that program you can throw away everything that comes with it accept the "Decompress.exe" file...You can also use Virtual-Dub to decompress the audio But I have found that the decompress.exe program is more reliable in this area...There are also Program like DivFix that are supposed to fix any bad headers in AVI files you might also try that....good Luck