Running HandBrake I thought the PC fan was running odd. All four cores were running flat out so I checked the CPU temp with SI. Average was around 97 Celsius. Shut it down in a hurry and sure enough the CPU heat-sink was plugged. Cleaned it up, ran Handbrake again and I got rid of 30 C. Odd thing is that my better half, where the cats roam free, had a cleaner PC than mine;I semi-routinely clean both at the same time.
friend of mine tapes vacuum cleaner filters to his fan inlets and it makes a hell of a difference.nothing seems to clue you in to how dirty your environment is like your
Haha, that's a pretty neat suggestion. Are "proper" filters for vents actually available? This has just prompted me to have a look inside my case and it appears I've somewhat neglected cleaning lately, to say the least. Edit: ddp beat me to it, was just about to point that out haha ^^ - and I'm reporting this shocking slur on my good nam to a different Mod.
attar, you poor little boy. all the other mods will laugh at you as an addict is supposed to be "smart".
lol this is a joke right? Are there even any other mods that care anymore? This place is starting to give me the zombie-apocalypse vibe
If it wasn't for the link his post could quite easily be miss con skewed,i believe he's joking a would've helped
ShopVac exhaust side with a a high pressure nozzle duct taped to the hose. Every 30 days is the dust bunny removal trick. Super Glue and Duct tape holds the world together. Jeff
In Vietnam that 100 Mile an hour tape kept them Huey's still flying.Works good for patching up bullet holes.