Image size a little bigger then screen

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Talannon, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. Talannon

    Talannon Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    I just bought recently a dvd writer and I tried doing a dvd with Nero. (I have Nero Ultra, not sure which version exactly of Nero Ultra) The dvd is made from avi files and nero do the transcoding and everything seems to work fine, the menu is good and the dvd works fine in my ps2 or the dvd on my tv. There is only 1 problem. The size of the image is just a little bigger then the screen of my tv and since the file I try to backup as a DVD has subtitles on it well it cut off half of the subtitles on the video which is very annoying. In nerovision I made sure the dvd was using NTSC so I really don't know what to do now.

    I like nero because well it's easy and he do almost everything by itself. So if it's possible to fix that problem I would appreciate it.

    Thank you,

  2. Talannon

    Talannon Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Ok I had a chance to play more with it and I tried to use other program to do it so I transfered my avi file to a m2v/mpa file and I made a dvd with tmpgenc dvd author 1.6.

    Unfortunately I get the same problem, on my tv the image of the video is a little bigger then the size of the screen of my tv. If I put it on my computer, it will look fine. Anyone know a way to make it look good if I use it on tv?

    Thank you...

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