hey, i have an image file that is huge. Like 4 gigs huge. do u think there i a way where i can split it up or down grade it into a few cds. cause i dont have a dvd burner and i dont have dvds -thanks
Get WinACE and use it's archiving method, it should also have an option to split the file into many different files. Try it, works for most seeders of torrents and stuff.
if it is an image file like an iso image then you could extract the files from the iso with iso buster. then burn to cds. not to be nosey, but specifically is it a video game? movie? knowing what type of file you are working with and what you want to do with it would help. like play it,store it, or transfer to another comp.
are you talking about FEAR the pc game? if so i dont know if you could split the game up and still be able to play it. what went wrong with isobuster? im not a english teacher but your grammar is alittle incoherent
Sui-cyco- not being rude or anything but why don't you actually help the guy if your gonna post, too many irrelevant posts and nobody cares about the grammar, it's called a mistake/ typo. Btw sniper you CAN split the file with WinACE leave ISOBuster alone and you'll still be able to play it, may I ask why you want to burn it on to multiple cds?
calm down,man.i was trying to let him know i didnt understand what he was saying. sorry if you think i was trying to be an a$$hole but that is how YOU perceived it. hence, me asking him what he meant. if he uses isobuster to extract the game files,he could eliminate the free space that is sometimes incorporated into image files. he would copy the game files only and not the free space to hd. that could make the overall game size smaller. i backup ps2 games and alot of games have this free space in their iso images. and most of the times the game size can be reduced just by extracting the game files from the iso and putting them back into an iso image(minus the free space). granted that sniper128's image file is compatible with isobuster. he would then copy the individual files to cds. if he needs to put them back into image format before he copies them to cd is something im not sure of. to store the files it doesnt matter but to play them it MIGHT matter,as pc games are different from console games. he still hasnt stated his intent though.
cause i have a very small hdd and i need to clear up some space...lik4 40 gig subtract windows xp and alota stuff...that dosnt leave very much space to save stuff thanks
so you are just trying to store stuff? well, i would suggest investing in a external hd or dvd burner. i know they can cost alot but if storage is what you need that would be your best bet. in the meantime you could use your disk cleanup option to free up some space if you havent already. it allows you to delete temp files and compress old files that havent been used in a while. i could usually free up at least 500mb to 1gb that way. and by the way, how did you handle that image file?
well i used alchohol to make a virtual drive and mounted the image on that...actually now that i think of it i could have split it up from that and burned it thanks