.img files

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by pdw_oo7, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. pdw_oo7

    pdw_oo7 Member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    I back up DVD's regularly by using DVD Decrypter and CloneDVD, but recently I encountered a .img file, and I can burn it with DVD Decrypter, but the burned DVD won't play on a DVD player, just a pc...

    This is the first time I have tried burning a .img file instead of the VIDEO_TS folder and .vob files that we all know and love...

    I backup DVD's all the time and play them on the standalone (Sony), and I have good media, etc. - I'm thinking it's the file but if anyone knows a way to get this to work share the wealth of knowledge.

    In a PS2 the disc just skips and never comes up as anything - and in the Sony standalone as soon as I put it in it comes up as "CANNOT PLAY" on the scrolling DVD player menu...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2004
  2. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    When DVD Decrypter burned the .img to the DVD did it create both VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders. The AUDIO_TS folder will be empty but is needed to play in some DVD players.

    You might try loading the .img file into DVD Shrink.
    Ctrl+I or File > Open Disc Image.
    You can try playing it there. Then Backup and Select target device: ISO Disc Image. Check Launch DVD Decypter to burn the output image.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2004
  3. Arajax

    Arajax Member

    Jul 3, 2004
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    I have the same problem, but i tried to rename the .img file to .iso then burn it but iI have the same error message when I play the dvd on my standalone player.

    If i try to open it with shrink, iI have an error message
    about incorrect structure file, can't open.

  4. nayak52

    nayak52 Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    I also have an IMG file, which nero does not read. I've read that I was suppposed to change the file type to an ISO and everything would be fine but when doing so, Nero prompts me with "foreign image settings" when i try to execute the file. This settings screen includes
    image type header and trailer sizes, block size as well as a few other settings i am not sure about. It also makess me a but skittish as to whether this will work with Nero properly.

    Also, I did try DVD Decrypter, as many have claimed that it works with .IMG files. When I tried to use [Mode>ISO>Write] and selected the file, however, I get the message "invalid or unsupported image file format"

    Anyone know whats up with this?

    Oh one more thing, i am burning a macintosh program (backup) on a PC. I have a theory that there are actually 2 image file types associated with .img, one originating from Stomp recordNow and the other from Apple. http://filext.com has not substantiated this theory, however.
  5. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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