I'm looking for a program that will rename a .wv (wavpack) file that is 159 characters long I've been trying to convert some .wv files to .mp3, but some of the file names are so long nothing will open them. I tried renaming the files (right click > rename) but since .wv isn't recognized by windows, I'm not given that option. I tried using the command line, but no luck there either. I tried using wavpack to convert them back to .wav so windows would recognize it and I could rename it, but even wavpack won't read it because it's file name is too long. God knows how these files were created in the first place. Is there any program that will rename these files? Thanks in advance for any help.
XP handles file names up to 256? characters. Is it possible that the file with the long name, is in a series of folders and subfolders with very long names?