I'm thinking of buying the cases with LEDs from Divineo for only $29. I was wondering what any of you guys might have thought about them?
Awww, come on, I even gave you the site. There's a link on the front page of Divineo, or you could browse GCN accessories... okay, here you go: http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/gc-xcmlb (blue, LED XCM) http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/gc-xcmlc (clear, LED XCM) They only have LED cases available (although it's okay, since these are only $3 more than the LED-less ones which look too plain IMO), and they're missing the color I'd prefer (Smoke Black, but clear won't look too bad on Jet Black bottom either). I guess I'll be the guinea pig here... I'll have to trust that brakken doesn't have other interests in his review at Mod That Cube FAQ. Although of course, it's also supported by Team Viper officially, so it can't be bad.
Thanks... I was hoping to wait until the Smoke Black LED XCMs, the regular cases from Xtender, and the Xecuter case were all out before making a choice, but I accidentally ordered the Clear one already. Oh well, it won't look too bad with my black bottom, I hope. At least I got it over with... when it arrives, I'll post impressions and such.
Dude they will,this is just like the PS2 with the fliptop covers.They start off with the tops for the systems,then later on they complete the set.Just give it time,it shouldn't be long until they make it where it is a complete set.If you wanted to you could buy the cover and just wait for the bottom piece.I am just going to buy what matches my bottom cover for right now,then later on replace it with something fancy like you mentioned the crystal set or something like that.
Oh and divineo is not really a reliable site to be honest clickbile.Trust me they might seem reliable,but they have some garbage service.I will just wait until some actual reliable sites start getting the cases,because I don't like divineo at all.
I got one, it is great lights up and all. I got it from here http://www.modchipworld.com/product_info.php?products_id=173&osCsid=fa2cd2bc129696d3a14d22c0b19fd8d9 Very Very reliable. btw I don't like Divineo I had very bad service from them.