Olen etsinyt jo monet vartit konvertteria, joka muuttaisi avin tms. .imv päätteiseksi tiedostoksi mutta ei löydy. Amv löytyy mutta mp4-soittimeni ei soita niitä, sitäkin kokeiltu monella ohjelmalla. Eli olisko jollain jotain ehdotuksia?
Am IMV file is an ImageMixer View file, and as you said comes with a video camera. Unfortunately it cannot be converted as far as i am aware (currently trawlling the net looking) and even the local Camera House cannot help. If you have received it good louck to you, however if you are putting it on to CD from the video player, take it to your local camera house and get them to put it on CD for you. The ImageMixer software is useless for those who wish to show others their moviews. edit. Kopsattu kommentti