In desperation, what do I need to load Nero

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by twofake, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. twofake

    twofake Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Ok, I'm trying to burn anything! This means that all my attempts are failures. I am a failure. Where is the nearest cliff? No I'm not going on a Summer Holiday.
    I originally posted a thread trying to find out why my "burn" button wouldn't highlight and then went and installed "force ASPI" as directed by some helpers on this site.
    That didn't help. When I used DVD Shrink and tried to directly burn to DVD, all burns failed with some message showing up with the letters "Win aspi " in it.
    I want to start all over again as this is going on and on. I had been emailing Nero support but they are not helping me to find the problem.
    I will remove the wole Nero with Nero Clean up tool.
    I originally started with the Nero 63117 demo but removed that when the support guy said to. Then I downloaded Nero 63120 but it wouldn't load due to some CRC error on loading so I got an OEM version of Nero express 6 but the burn button doesn't light unless burning data.
    Do I clean up the whole lot or keep the OEM version and just put on the updates?
    Do I remove the whole lot and try to reinstall Nero 63120 and the updates? Do I leave out update 3 called IN CD because it causes problems?
    So, in summary ,before I jump,do I install Nero 63120 and updates 2 and 4 (I assume update 1 IS actually Nero 63120) and do I remove OEM version or jsut update it?
    All I want is "nero burning rom" so I can follow Scuba Pete's bible and say "who's you Daddy". I don't care about food or money or even sex at this stage.
  2. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    hey there twofake, first are you tryin to burn DVD or just anything at all? I being fairly new to this also found that when using nero to burn DVD i was having the same problem BURN button grayed this what is occuring to you?
  3. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi TwoFake,

    A 'Fresh' start is always a good idea. By all means use the Nero Clean Tool to remove all of our programs from your system, and then reboot.

    Install only Package 1 & 2 downloads at this time. No need to add InCD 4 and any issues it could cause to your already existing problems. :)

    Then we need to do some tests to see where the issue actually lies.

    Instead of selecting your Recorder as the Destination device for the burn, select the 'Image Recorder' and try and create a Data CD/DVD, or DVD-Video. Just to see if the burn button is selectable.

    If it works with the Image Drive, then try again by selecting your Recorder. But first start of with trying to create a Data CD, or Audio CD. Just make sure that in Nero StartSmart you first select the CD Tab in the top right of the window before selecting an option for Audio or Data CD to create.
    Does this work?

    If it does, then go back to the StartSmart and select the DVD Tab in the top right of the window and try creating a Data DVD, or DVD-Video.
    What are the results now?

    PS. In all tests, do not place any media in the recorder till you are prompted by our software to insert the media to write too.



    Ahead Software
  4. twofake

    twofake Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    I downloaded Nero 6 Ultra packages 1 and 2. I Nero Clean tooled the old Ahead programs off the computer and then loade the packages 1 and 2. Immediately when I looked into start/programs/nero, I found nero burning rom. I followed Scuba Pete's instructions and went right through to the "burn baby burn" but it started then "failed" with some sort of massage about powrer management failure. The program then froze and when i eventually got out of it, (nero not responding), the "burning rom " is no where to be found....just vanished! and all i can find is Nero Express 2SE or Nero Smart start.
    I followed you directions and the burn button is on if I want to burn cds but not on if I want to burn DVDs.
    Help please!
    OK, this is where I am at.
    I downloaded Nero 6 Ultra packages 1 and 2 and then loaded them onto the computer. I went into programs and found Nero burning ROM and then folowed Scuba Pete's directions to the T and hit burn and read the words "burn baby burn" and went to tell my wife it was working thne came back to the computer to find "failed" due to something to do with poewer management or something like that. The program froze then had to be shut down and now, believe it or not, there is no Nero burning rom to be found anywhere???????????????????
    When I look in Start/programs/there is a choice of Nero OEM or toolkit or nerovision express 2 E or nero smart start but no burning rom.
    Oh yes, I clicked in my OEM serial number and it accepted it...was that the wrong thing to do?
  5. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi TwoFake,

    As you mentioned, you have an OEM version, so the Nero Burning ROM feature will disappear when you enter your OEM serial key. You will only have the option for Nero Express.

    And a second part of the picutre comes in now that you inform us that you have Nero Express SE, which is a limited OEM version of Nero Expess, verusus the full Nero Express version. You can only create a Data DVD, not DVD-Video. For Video, you can only creat a VCD, not an SVCD or DVD-Video. IT does not come with an MPEG-2 encoder either.

    Here is a comparison between Nero Express and Nero Express SE versions:

    NE NE SE
    CD and DVD Data disc X X
    CD and DVD bootable disc X
    Audio CD X X
    Audio and Data CD X
    MP3 disc X X
    WMA disc X X
    Nero Digital disc X
    Video CD X X
    Super Video CD X
    mini DVD X
    Copy entire disc X X

    SmartStart would therefore look like:

    Data Section

    Make Data Disc

    Audio Section

    Make Audio Disc
    Make MP3 Disc
    Make WMA Disc


    Make Video CD

    Copy and Backup

    Copy Disc


    Disc Info
    Erase Disc
    Test Drive

    Sorry, but it looks like you have an OEM version of Nero that just does not support what you want to do.



    Ahead Software
  6. twofake

    twofake Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    If I am understanding correctly,
    The serial number affects the downloaded program? That is, does the number turn the trial program into something else?
    Meaning if I input a different number, it gets Nero burning rom? The supprot guy at Nero Germany gave me a trial number...maybe I should be using that one?
    Also, do you know why if I do get the burner burning, it always comes up with " failed" due to some Win ASPI error. I loaded force ASPI. Do i have to remove it .Have had problems since it was loaded.
  7. michigan

    michigan Guest

    The OEM ersion of Nero is "not the greatest" it is basicly to give you a taste so you'll buy the good stuff. If you enter your OEM serial # it will revert you back to your OEM version and tak out Burnign Rom. If you really want to burn a DVD Download Decrypter (free) and use Shrink (free) and Decrypter (Free). Then use Shrink but ste it to burn with decrypter. You'll be burnign in no time.

    My .02 Buy the full version of Nero it is an excellent program but DON'T install INCD in causes issuses with DVD copying
  8. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi TwoFake,

    Yes, everything is controlled by the serial key. And yes, the serial key provided by the Nero Tech Representative would give you a full working Demo version, but it would be limited to 30 days normally. And depending on the serial key he provided, it would be for either last month or this month.

    As for the ASPI issue, Nero uses the NeroASPI which is installed when you install Nero. Only when this is missing will our software use the system ASPI. However, you do need the system ASPI installed, as your other devices and programs will need it to properly interface with your system.

    As to what is causing your WNASPI error, I would need to see the Nero log file, or the full Error message reported.



    Ahead Software
  9. twofake

    twofake Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Thanks Michigan and thanks ccampbell.
    Now things are clearing up! The guy from Nero Germany has emailed me another trial key and I put that in and I finally see Nero Burning ROM!!!!!!
    I tried it out on my RW dvd and it worked.I hope it works on a DVD-R as I have a few coasters.
    Craig, the guyin Germany told me how to capture the screen if I have trouble so if the WinASPI error comes again, I'll send it to you (how do I attach this to this thread?).
    If I reinstalled Nero,
    does this override the force ASPI Iinstalled ?...hope so as I think that was causing problems.
  10. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Glad you got it going, if you have any other problems give us a jingle.

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