like the topic suggests I was wondering how many mb would be "trimmed" off a ds rom if i was to trim it. i just ordered a m3 simply and am probubly going to buy a 1gb micro sd card but I just wanted to know how much space would trimming save.
Not much usually, most times it'll only trim about 5-10 MB though on certain occasions it can be around 30-40 MB final fantasy III trims about 42 MB, however, some games trim very little, spider man II will only trim about 2 MB.
oh alright thanks mate. would you say bigger files trim more? or is it completely random as to how much space is saved?
Very random answer As XbusterZ says, it is random, however larger games have the ability to have more trimmed off them due to how the games are made. Basically the games have to be a certain size, this being 8MB/16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB. Should the game not be this exact size they are padded to the next highest, so a 50MB game would be padded to 64MB, trimming would remove this padding (as it is not needed on the M3) thus saving 14MB of space. So in theroy you could have a 65MB game with 63MB of padding, which is a huge amount that can be trimmed, this number would not be possible with smaller games, as they simply won't use that much padding (they'll fit into lower size brackets). So although the amount you can trim is random, there is likly to be a pattern indicating that some larger games will be trimmed by a larger amount than small.