Incorrect Region using VSO ConvertXtoDVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Billy_Br, May 29, 2007.

  1. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I used ConvertXtoDVD to burn several DVDs. Of the 5 DVDs I burned only 2 would play on my friends standalone DVD player. Each disk appeared exactly the same, and all will play just fine on the computer.

    The DVD player is a Sony (can't remember the model #) and it gave an error message for the 3 that wouldn't play "Incorrect Region Type" or words to that effect.

    I assume that the Region Code on the DVD is the problem, but do not know where in the process the code is "set". I couldn't find any settings in ConvertXtoDVD to control this, so I have to assume it is somewhere in the .AVI files they are being converted from.

    How does one work around this ?

    Also, I have been reading some stuff on regions and apparantly sometimes "regionless" DVDs also give problems. I do not expect to play any of these DVDs outside the US, so if they were all burned to Region 1 that would be okay.

    How can this been done, and is this the best solution ?

    I could burn using Nero after the convertX has done it's job; it's just more convenient to let ConvertX do the burning as well.

    Any help appreciated & thanks in advance,

    Billy Brethren
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    first off ..... there are plenty of reasons why certain dvds won't play in other players:

    1. burning speeds: burn at 4x so there will be less writing errors (rule of thumb is to burn at half the rated speed of the disk--8X disk burn at 4x).
    2. read manual for your stand alone player and use the disks that will play in your player. If your player is less than 2 yrs old then it should play the + or - R disks! I said SHOULD that's why you read the manual.
    3. try booktyping your drive to DVd-ROM so it will make your +R disks more compatible to players. Read this:
    4. make sure that there are no finger prints or scratches on your disk that make it hard for the player to read the disk!
    5. use good quality media (rule of the ones that are Made in Japan.) Verbatim is a top notch disk and is the only exception to this rule....some Verbatims are made in Taiwan and they are top notch!
    6. and don't burn too close to the outer edge of the disk ..... which will make the disk unreadable! but using good media you will be able to burn close to the edge better than lesser quality media. Just in case I only burn no closer than 4400MB, so if you can set your programs to that, all the better!

    follow these little tips of the trade and you'll have better success! good luck.

    also read this:
    why the +R media is better than the -R media

    but if it's a Region code then when using ConvertXToDVD you need to do this:
    make sure that if you are in Rigion 1 (USA) then you use NTSC and not PAL..... ok? and then follow the rules above!
  3. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    This was what I thought I needed to do, but could not find anywhere in ConvertXtoDVD that controlled "regions".

    I used DVD Shrink with it's use of Nero to burn a DVD last night, and it gave me full control over the Regions. But I don't understand how your pics are not pointing to anything to do with regions, but your directions are telling me to use Region 1.

  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    Check the picture above...... the #2 arrows show USA settings..... which is REGION 1! That's your setting!
  5. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I'm looking at the #2 red arrow. That arrow is pointing to Video Standard and not Region. The selection is NTSC and not Region #1. NTDC is a Video Standard and not a Region. Region #1 is a Region and not a Video Standard.

    It (the red arrow) is also indicating US and Asia.
    Asia is not Region #1.
  6. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    just a little correction on your misunderstanding what Region 1 means..... Region 1 includes USA, Japan (and that's part of Asia if I'm not mistaken) and some islands in the Pasific are also Region 1~ and if you do NTSC (then it is naturally Region 1!). You can't do an NTSC and expect to also do Region 2 on the same disk! it's unheard of! Because NTSC is USA it will naturally do Region 1.
  7. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Please note the absence of any mention of "Asia" in the description of which geographical areas are covered by Region 1. Also, please consult the pretty picture provided by wikipedia which clearly indicates all "Region 1" areas in RED, and not that none of those areas fall anywhere near anything that could even loosely be described as "Asia".
  8. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Please also note that throughout the entire description and definition of the phrase "Region Codes", there is not one mention by the wikipedia of either NTSC or PAL, which (as I mentioned previously) are video standards and not region codes.
  9. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    well...... converting using ConvertXToDVD controls the TV Standard which if it's NTSC then it does include Asia! But Region codes are for players not software..... if a disk is made with encryptions (store bought DVDs) it will have a Region code where it can be played.... so if you bought a DVD in Europe it will only play in Region 2....but it's also a PAL TV standard! To change Region codes is to change the players settings! ConvertXToDVD will can be set to NTSC and this should solve your region code so it will play on your Sony player! Otherwise you are using crappy media and your player won't recogize that media when burned..... I also have Sony players.... and all of my DVDs play on them including most video formats! Your original statement:
    if you downloaded a PAL DVD and converted it to NTSC with ConvertXToDVD it should play on that Sony DVD player.... what movies are you trying to burn? Are you converting AVI files or other files that you downloaded from the internet? I never had a problem when using ConvertXToDVD with file formats that were downloaded! Even foreign films for all over the world! Like I said before NTSC or PAL...... try it! you should have better results.
  10. Billy_Br

    Billy_Br Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I'm not arguing that NTSC is what it needs to be set at, but I do not think they are the same thing. In fact I think they are completely different.

    I am away from the Sony DVD Player that refused to play the 3 of the 5 DVDs. I've been doing some research and apparantly of all the manufacturers, Sony has been the biggest <expletive deleted> about "regionalizing" their players for specific media.

    I don't think it matters which movies they were, although it is possible that they were some mix of PAL and NTSC, I cannot say for sure but something I read earlier today said it was possible, and that the "auto" setting in convertxtodvd would leave the NTSC and PAL parts as they come in, and not change them all to one or the other.

    So I got the part about NTSC in convertX, I'm just not clear on how region plays into it, because I do not believe it is the same thing.

    Nero has the ability to change Regions, and ConvertX apparantly does not.

    Also, some players will not play "Region 0" DVDs and since I intend only to have my DVDs play in the US it makes sense to set them to Region 1.

    However setting the Video Standard to NTSC is not the same thing as setting the media to Region 1. Or if it is, I'm not seeing it.

    Further, I'd like to know how to look at a particular DVD (not really "look at", but put into the computer) and tell which Region (if any) it is set for.

    Maybe this way I can test the idea that setting convertX to "NTSC instead of "Auto" will make the Region set as 1.
  11. cougar_ii

    cougar_ii Regular member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Hi there,

    ConvertXtoDVD does not set any region codes.

    Actually, putting a ConvertXtoDVD movie in my PC (AnyDVD installed)

    it displays Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 8!

    if I recall so like it's

    So it's not a Region 0 either !
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2007

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