Increase internet traffic speed

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by esrever, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. esrever

    esrever Regular member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    Hello. I know this is going to sound uber-noobish but I was just wondering if anybody could point out some tips for increasing download/upload speed in general. Not really for p2p appz or anything in particular. There's probably a guide for this I'm willing to bet.

    For the vets at Afterdawn, thanks for putting up with people like me.
  2. chromesn

    chromesn Guest

    tweaking your comp's tcp/ip settings help this alot. go here:

    and run the "tweak test". this wil tell you if there are any major malfunctions in your settings. (if you don't know what any of the results mean, go to their faq page. it explains it all, mostly. it's a very involved process; took me over 4 months to figure out how to do it well, and 2 days to actually set up a new comp to my liking.
    [isp says 6000 kbps down / 368 kbps up. i get 7600/420 on a good day {cable modem}] and no, modem is not uncapped.)

    another fairly good spot is they have some ready made registry tweaks you can download and give a try, to see if they help you. (most also have removal files you can download with em).
    some may help, or be a good start for other changes.

    mostly, you have to figure out what you need to change (rwin, mtu, so on) and then get in there and test different settings. (if you're going to attempt this on your own, be sure and get "drtcp" from dsl reports: it makes putting in the values fiarly easy, without going into regedit (if you don't know wtf you're doing DON"T!!!)

    as every comp and card, modem setup is different (harmonics, voltages and so on) it's not really something anyone can just tell you how to do.

    hope this helps.
  3. esrever

    esrever Regular member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    Thanks much. Ill give it a shot. I also just removed 85 various worms trojans and viruses from my computer so im hoping that will make it sucks tons less.
  4. Comp_kid

    Comp_kid Guest

    Also [bold]Download Express[/bold] is a great download booster-but it won't help with you upload times
  5. esrever

    esrever Regular member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    I'll keep that in mind. Thank you both.

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