You get a save file error because the game writes to a section of memory that isn't there you will continue to get the error you are going to have to wait a few days for a patch or something to fix this. the simpsons game had the same issue
Not working on my Real either. I figured I'd just wait like above poster said. The World Ends with You is up and running great, however!
like i said you need to wait for a patch. nintendo is getting more and more cleaver at placing security proto calls into there software.
for top toy users [v1.11] 2008-06-11 New * fixed the error of loading for 2342 rom(The incredible hulk - usa) [v1.10] 2008-03-31 * fixed the error of loading for 2203 rom [v1.09] 2008-03-16 * fixed the thanks error for 2107 rom [v1.08] 2008-02-01 * upgrade information library, up to 1981 * fixed the error of saving for 1981 * add ewin gba extension card detect fuction * case insensitive for save file name * add switch of brightness (key L) * add select all switch of cheat (key Y/X) * add standby fucntion for ds console * add select all switch of cheat (key Y/X) * fix the error of time display * fix the freeze of menu by encrypted r4 cheat library * update all of icons when changed the softreset setting [v1.07] 2007-12-17 * upgrade information library, up to 1829 * fixed the error of loading for 1828 * add cheat code library of English for cht and eng language version [v1.06] 2007-12-05 * upgrade information library, up to 1770 * fixed time display error