What would you do? I was going to open the xbox and follow cooling info on this site, like taking out the clamp and installing a special heatsink (and fan I think), and the laptop cooler on the bottom of the xbox tip. All the tips that have been offered for a red ring of fire free xbox 360. Now that there's a 3 year warranty should I just use it normally? If I open it I take the chance of voiding the warranty. I don't think I'll be a 10 hour a day user, so do you think an xbox that gets played on lightly would break down within the 3 year warranty period? The last thing I want is to have it break down after 4 years because I never played a lot lol.
I've had my xbox for about 5-6 years, and often left it running all day or night (used it as a media center).. It's all stock aside from my softmod, and i've yet to encounter any problems whatsoever.. but I could just be extremely lucky.
I'm talking about the xbox 360 not the original xbox Sorry if I posted to the wrong group I thought this was an an xbox 360 group too seeing as there are other 360 posts.
I would retain the warrenty. After the 3 years is up, I sold my premium for an elite, I am going to mod the hell out of mine.
well, if you do it right then they would never knoe until they opened it. But with a 3yr waranty there is really no reason to fool with it until your waranty is gone. Personally i have a Talismoon green LED fan upgrade and have yet to have my system overheat or give me any problems at all.
good idea I worry too much, when it turns 3 years old then I'll start thinking about putting in a heat sink, fan and whatever else.