Hello, I have an Asus M2N-E SLI motherboard, a W.D. SATA WD300HLKS hard drive, and a SATA DVD R/RW. I'm trying to install Windows 7, BUT I can't get passed the... "To install device drivers to access the hard drive, insert media.................... ..... Press OK to continue. If I hook up a IDE drive it will find that. I've tried for hours to find a solution and/or drivers. Tried Asus, NiVidia, Western Digital,...... No, RAID is not enabled. Can anyone help? I'm open for suggestions! What exact drivers am I looking for?
Thanks, I don't know about the MoBo seeing it, But if I run the WD Data Lifeguard Dianostis it says the drive is healthy.
According to Microsoft it installs automatically without any extra software. Are you installing it from your CDrom drive and does it recognize it.Maybe the bios isn't set up correctly and doesn't see the CDrom drive. http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/co...mponents&sc=Other Components&os=32-bit&vd=all Here are some updates for the motherboard from Asus. Just make sure you choose the correct one for you system. http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=M2N-SLI+Deluxe&p=1&os=
Regardless of what MS says, Win 7 is not recognizing the drive. I'm using a DVD R/RW SATA drive. It reads the Win 7 disk just fine. I did go to ASUS, But nothing seems to pertain to my situation.
Maybe this will help with your installation. I wasn't able to find that model number of hard drive listed for WD either. http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers...L3RpbWUvMTMzMDA5Mzk1OC9zaWQvLUNCeXd2Ums=#win7 This is a compability list for windows 7. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/co...rnal&sort=VendorNameDescProductNameAsc&page=1
Hi eZAK1, First let me say that when you connected the IDE drive Windows 7 will see that by default. Your SATA drive is not seen in a couple of different cases. 1) You have both and IDE drive and a SATA drive connected at the same time. Windows 7 will never find the SATA drive. Only connect the drive you want the installation on. 2) The boot order in the BIOS is not correct. Make sure that the boot order is set to read from the DVD drive 1st. I also make sure that other boot sequences are not active. 3) You may need to reset the CMOS and then start from scratch. 4) Windows 7 should be able to read the SATA drive without a problem. If you are still having an issue with it writing the ISO image to the HDD then we need to investigate a little further.
syxguns, reread his 1st post as you'll see he tried sata 1st which didn't work then he tried ide which did work. i think it is a setting issue in the bios preventing the sata hd from working properly.
That may be the case! That's one reason I wanted him to reset the CMOS and make sure that only one drive was connected during setup. I'm also hoping that he set the CD/DVD drive is set as first boot. I know it's a stretch, but sometimes simple things are overlooked! I know I had two SATA drives set up on my last build and I completely erased my backup information by not paying attention to what I was doing!! Duh!
I basically had the same problem trying to load a copy of XP into my PC. It was my bios settings that was the problem. It wasn't recognizing my drive.It took me 2 days to figure it out but something that I haven't forgotten either.
I know that feeling!! XP and Vista didn't support SATA drives! I haven't used XP in awhile now, but the last time I did I had to use makedisk.exe to install the SATA drivers before I could install the ISO image!! A real PITA!!
Just to clarify; I do Not have Windows 7 installed on either drive! Win XP is on the IDE drive and works fine. Yes, I boot solely from the DVD drive when trying to install Win 7. I did try resetting to default. When I checked the BIOS. Here are my options; SATA drives: Extended IDE Drive [None] [Auto] , Access Mode [Large] [Auto] IDE Drives: Primary IDE Master [None] [Auto] [Manual] , Access Mode [CHS] [LBA] [Large] [Auto] , PIO [Auto] [Modes 0-4] , UDMA [Disable] [Auto] Everything is set to [Auto] I do think the board can not handle Win 7! When checking for a BIOS update with ASUS, Win 7 is not listed with in the OS drop down menu for this board.
This was around 5 years ago when I went through this pain. At that time most MB's at that time were not fully SATA supported, even though they had the connections. XP does not come with SATA drivers, so you had to create a new disk with the SATA drivers on the disk. I know that isn't the issue now. About 2 years ago I built a new HTPC and was able to place XP on it without a problem.