I have 2 Compaq Presarios 6000 series. The one I use had a DVD Rom. My Children have the same series,bought at the same time but their's didn't have a DVD rom, it had a CD R/W. I upgraded mine to an HP dvd940i last year with no glitches. I bought another 94oi to upgrade my children's and I'm going crazy. It powers on but will not read anything CD's or DVD's. It partially reads. I think the jumper pins are fine. I downloaded the installation disk using the existing CD rom because I couldn't get it to read with the 940i, then disconnected the CD rom and tried to run the DVD but it wouldn't read 100%. The Computer identifies the DVD and even the disk to a degree but won't run. Also when I tried to install the InCD4 I was told to uninstall the veritas drive letter access. I don't think that has anything to do with the installation and playing of the 940i, but I can't figure out how to uninstall it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Is there no 'Veritas DLA' or 'DLA' in the Add/Remove programs entry of Control Panel. BTW, I wouldn't install INCD until that DVD is working - at least reading a CD.
I believe it is embedded somewhere as there is no listing to uninstall nor could I find it in the device manager
I don't know how far you want to get involved in this. I used this procedure a few years ago (not for Veritas) and it worked. http://itmanager.blogs.com/notes/2005/04/how_to_manually.html