i boughta dvd burner about 2 months ago, i took out my old dvd player,but i found out i wasnt able to play my cam mimi's anymore..so i took out my CD-R burner and put in my dvd player..now both my dvd player and burner dont even show up in MY COMPUTER. I want to try to fix it without tring to dip up my cd's for it -thanks-
if both roms are on same cable, change dvd burner to master & dvd rom to slave by using the jumper on backside of drive. do not use cable select!!!
well the master one isnt in anymore, hear how it was set up when new.. top- dvd player bottom- cd burner now top- dvd burner bottom- dvd player i just finished restoring it a sec ago and thought it would work but nope.. shout i switch the drives around?
ddp, i just looked on my cd rom and saw a dirgram..that slave and master what should i do?...by changing i would use the small little wire that came with it...red/black i think -thanks-
jumpers can be different colors but configuration is same on all ide rom drives so set burner as master & rom as slave
if have a 4 5.25" bays & drives don't interfere with motherboard try to leave space above & below burner for air circulation