Is there anyway to install lets say, evox directly to the xbox harddrive? I thought it would be simple as get the xbox drive detected by comp (done) use some sort of software that would allow me to copy files over to the drive, and do like that, but apparently I dont' know where or how to find/do that; any suggestions? or links? Anyway to flash the bios without a mod chip or softmod? Cause currently i have no access to an action replay or any of the 3 games required for softmodding... thanks for the help
Unfortunately, you can't change anything on your hard drive, be it through your xbox or your computer, without a mod.
Ah, yes, "hotswapping". I forgot to mention that, you can do this but it's not recommended. I have done this safely before but you have to be very careful when doing this. Plus, if you do this and don't install the mod correctly your xbox will be useless. If you are interested in doing this there are tons of guides out there. I would say to just spend the $30 for the game and action replay to be on the safe side. But you are right, I forgot to mention that, it is possible to "hotswap" without a chip or game exploit.