Hi guys I did a quick search but couldnt find what i was looking for,my brother's Thompson xbox dvd drive has finally died and im looking to replace it but i was wondering if i could add any old p.c dvd drive,i have heard that in doing this you wouldnt be able to play original xbox games? but all other media (cdr & dvd backups)are fine,which is o.k for my brother as he only plays backups these days anyway. Any advice would be great Cheers Darren
you will have to have the origanal dvd drive in it to play games or boot it it will have an error if its not in but f you wanna hook up an additional dvd drive you wll need a Y splitter and an ide cable with 4 hook ups on it so basicly u need another xbox dvd drive to play games
You can’t put any pc dvd-rom drive and expect the drive to read the disc, games are read for the outer edge inwards. You would need to flash the drive so that it can read the file format of the backups that you have, not many pc dvd-rom drives can be modified and can be hard to find. It would be best if you bought a replacement drive.
luckily many pc drives have firmware updates every so often, and so does the xbox drives... you could do a little modification to the drive called pot tweaking which will get x box games to work... pot tweaking