I have a dell dimension 8200 which is running on windows XP at the moment. I have a CD which can upgrade it to windows 7, but i can't install windows 7 because it says my pc doesn't have enough RAM. My RAM is currently 256MB and it needs to be at least 512MB. I found some spare RAM modules lying around which are 512MB but when i tried to install them, they didn't physically fit in because there was only one gap in the bottom whereas i need a module with 2 gaps. I have 4 RAM slots and i think i have 2x 128MB modules and 2xblank modules. I'm planning on buying some new RAM modules but how do i know whether this module is going to fit or whether it won't fit in like the ones i already have? Also, do i have to install the new RAM modules in pairs? Because i've read sometimes you have to and sometimes you don't? Please help! Thanks
according to the link i posted here, you need rambus memory & it has to be installed 2 at a time. the 1 knotch ram you have is either ddr or ddr2 ram. Specifications link http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dim8200/specs.htm#1101572
Okay thanks a lot. If the memory banks are 2 slots of 2, and I already have 2x 128mb modules. In what order to I have to put in the new memory modules? Do I put the two pairs together? Or I do mix and match them? Also, I've read that the RAM operates at the slowest one, is this true? Because I have 2x 128mb modules and I want to buy 2x 512mb modules. If I have all 4 in, will this be slower than if I only had 2x 512mb in? Thanks
have to be 2 the same as in same speed & capacity. will run at slowest ram speed. time the load speed with 1.2gig of ram & with 1gig of ram before installing win7 as most likely won't see any real time difference. if install win7 then keep the 2-128meg with the 2-512meg as will help a bit. what is your cpu speed?